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Releases: VitorLuizC/brazilian-values

Version 0.7.4

15 Feb 22:10
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Minor Changes

  • Add formatToCPFOrCNPJ to formatters. It formats a string value containing numbers to CPF or CNPJ depending on its length.

    //=> '000.000.00'
    //=> '366.418.768-70'
    //=> '32.284.981/0001-38'
    //=> '00.000.000/0000-00'

    Thanks a lot to @mandala21 for PR #29 that fixed issue #28.

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Versio 0.7.3

30 Jan 18:40
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Minor Changes

  • Fix unit test importing bundled module instead of the source.

  • Reduce bundle size transpiling in TS instead of Babel.

  • Create a tsconfig.bundle.json just for bundle purposes and let tsconfig.json more generic.

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Version 0.7.2

30 Jan 18:39
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Minor Changes

  • Accept 99.999-999 as valid CEP format in isCEP function.

    Thanks to @mathvaleriano for issue #26.

  • Upgrade ava to 3.1.0.

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Version 0.7.1

22 Jan 21:23
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Minor Changes

  • Add sumary to docs.

    Thanks a lot to @brunosalgueiro PR #24.

  • Upgrade devDependencies and fix their breaking changes.

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Version 0.7.0

02 Nov 20:48
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Minor Changes (Features)

  • Create formatToCapitalized formatter to capitalize words in a text.

    formatToCapitalized('SERVIDOR PÚBLICO MUNICIPAL')
    //=> 'Servidor Público Municipal'
    formatToCapitalized('   os PrimEIROS  HOMens da tERra', {
      wordsToKeepLowerCase: ['os', 'da']
    //=> 'Os Primeiros Homens da Terra'
    formatToCapitalized('nova tv foi lançada', {
      wordsToKeepUpperCase: ['tv']
    //=> 'Nova TV Foi Lançada'

    Thanks a lot to @ymoreiratiti for issue #20 and PR #21.

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Version 0.6.0

22 Sep 21:02
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Minor Changes (Features)

  • Create isDDD validator to check if value is a brazilian valid DDD (direct dialing at a distance) code.

    //=> true
    //=> false
    //=> false
  • Create isPhone validator to check if value matches common brazilian phone number, optionally with DDI, DDD and the ninth digit. If DDD is defined it'll be validated with isDDD.

    isPhone('+55 (11) 9 8273-1182')
    //=> true
    isPhone('11 39723768')
    //=> true
    isPhone('(23) 3972-3768')
    //=> false
    isPhone('(13) 6 5093-2093')
    //=> false

    Thanks to @giulianon for issue #19.

Other Changes

  • Upgrade development dependencies (ava, rollup-plugin-typescript2 and typescript).

  • Add License and badges to README.

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Version 0.5.2

04 Sep 05:11
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  • Fixed validation strategy that ignores invalid characters on isCNPJ, isCPF and isCEP.

    Thanks to @lucasbemol for issue #18.

  • Fixed formatToDateTime TSDoc example.


  • Upgrade development dependencies (ava, rollup-plugin-typescript2 and typescript).

  • Keep consistent code style on tests.

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Version 0.5.1

02 Aug 15:40
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  • Fixed formatToDateTime example on README (pt-BR & en).

    Thanks to @rogeriomq for PR #17.


  • Upgrade development dependencies (ava, bili, rollup-plugin-typescript2, ts-node and typescript).

Version 0.5.0

10 May 05:40
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Breaking Changes

  • ESM bundles were renamed (due to Bili upgrade).

    • ESM bundle dist/brazilian-values.mjs is now dist/brazilian-values.esm.js;
  • README docs are now in portuguese, but you can switch to english.

    Thanks to @g1llz for PR #12.

Minor Changes (Features)

  • Create formatToDateTime formatter to format Date instance into brazilian formatted date and time, DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm.

    new Date(1996, 2, 28, 20, 43) => '28/03/1996 20:48'
  • Create isCEP validator to check if value is a CEP.

    '02998-050' => true
    '912821-982' => false
  • Upgrade development dependencies (ava, bili, rollup-plugin-typescript2, ts-node and typescript).

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Version 0.4.0

13 Mar 01:20
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Breaking Changes

  • Bundles and the main module were renamed (due to Bili upgrade).
    • Main module index.js is now brazilian-values.js;
    • TS type definitions types/index.d.ts is now types/brazilian-values.d.ts;
    • CommonJS bundle dist/brazilian-values.cjs.js is now dist/brazilian-values.js;
    • ESM bundle dist/ is now dist/brazilian-values.mjs;
    • UMD bundle dist/brazilian-values.js is now dist/brazilian-values.umd.js;
    • UMD minified bundle dist/brazilian-values.min.js is now dist/brazilian-values.umd.min.js;

Minor Changes (Features)

  • Create formatToNumber function to format numbers into brazilian formatted numbers.

    2289.1323 => '2.289,1323'
  • Create formatToList function to format arrays of string elements into brazilian formatted lists.

    ['Vitor', 'Lucas', 'Milena'] => 'Vitor, Lucas e Milena'
  • Create parseToNumber function to parse brazilian formatted numbers into numbers.

    '2.289,1323' => 2289.1323
  • Create parseToArray function to parse brazilian formatted lists into arrays of string elements.

    'Vitor, Lucas e Milena' => ['Vitor', 'Lucas', 'Milena']
  • Upgrade development dependencies (ava, bili, rollup-plugin-typescript2, ts-node and typescript).

  • Bili configuration was moved to its own TS module and changed to matches 4.x.x specs.

All the changes
