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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'adafruit_minimqtt' #52

bhopkinson opened this issue Nov 21, 2020 · 7 comments

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'adafruit_minimqtt' #52

bhopkinson opened this issue Nov 21, 2020 · 7 comments


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I am trying to use minimqtt on linux (running in a docker container), however I am having trouble installing and importing the module.

I have installed the following packages:

pip3 install adafruit-blinka
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lis3dh
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-minimqtt

I can confirm that these have been installed with pip3 list:

Package                         Version
------------------------------- -------
Adafruit-Blinka                 5.8.0
adafruit-circuitpython-lis3dh   5.1.5
adafruit-circuitpython-minimqtt 4.0.1
Adafruit-PlatformDetect         2.22.1
Adafruit-PureIO                 1.1.7
pip                             20.2.4
pyftdi                          0.52.0
pyserial                        3.4
pyusb                           1.1.0
setuptools                      50.3.2
wheel                           0.35.1

However if I try import adafruit_minimqtt.adafruit_minimqtt as MQTT then I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'adafruit_minimqtt'

My output of help("modules") is as follows, which shows the other adafruit modules are avilable, however minimqtt is not.

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

Adafruit_PureIO     _tkinter            getopt              resource
__future__          _tracemalloc        getpass             rlcompleter
_abc                _uuid               gettext             runpy
_aix_support        _warnings           glob                sched
_ast                _weakref            graphlib            secrets
_asyncio            _weakrefset         grp                 select
_bisect             _xxsubinterpreters  gzip                selectors
_blake2             _xxtestfuzz         hashlib             serial
_bootlocale         _zoneinfo           heapq               setuptools
_bootsubprocess     abc                 hello               shelve
_bz2                adafruit_blinka     hmac                shlex
_codecs             adafruit_lis3dh     html                shutil
_codecs_cn          adafruit_platformdetect http                signal
_codecs_hk          aifc                idlelib             site
_codecs_iso2022     analogio            imaplib             smtpd
_codecs_jp          antigravity         imghdr              smtplib
_codecs_kr          argparse            imp                 sndhdr
_codecs_tw          array               importlib           socket
_collections        ast                 inspect             socketserver
_collections_abc    asynchat            io                  spwd
_compat_pickle      asyncio             ipaddress           sqlite3
_compression        asyncore            itertools           sre_compile
_contextvars        atexit              json                sre_constants
_crypt              audioop             keyword             sre_parse
_csv                base64              lib2to3             ssl
_ctypes             bdb                 linecache           stat
_ctypes_test        binascii            locale              statistics
_curses             binhex              logging             string
_curses_panel       bisect              lzma                stringprep
_datetime           bitbangio           mailbox             struct
_decimal            board               mailcap             subprocess
_distutils_hack     builtins            marshal             sunau
_elementtree        busio               math                symbol
_functools          bz2                 microcontroller     symtable
_gdbm               cProfile            micropython         sys
_hashlib            calendar            mimetypes           sysconfig
_heapq              cgi                 mmap                syslog
_imp                cgitb               modulefinder        tabnanny
_io                 chunk               multiprocessing     tarfile
_json               cmath               neopixel_write      telnetlib
_locale             cmd                 netrc               tempfile
_lsprof             code                nis                 termios
_lzma               codecs              nntplib             textwrap
_markupbase         codeop              ntpath              this
_md5                collections         nturl2path          threading
_multibytecodec     colorsys            numbers             time
_multiprocessing    compileall          opcode              timeit
_opcode             concurrent          operator            tkinter
_operator           configparser        optparse            token
_osx_support        contextlib          os                  tokenize
_peg_parser         contextvars         ossaudiodev         trace
_pickle             copy                parser              traceback
_posixshmem         copyreg             pathlib             tracemalloc
_posixsubprocess    crypt               pdb                 tty
_py_abc             csv                 pickle              turtle
_pydecimal          ctypes              pickletools         turtledemo
_pyio               curses              pip                 types
_queue              dataclasses         pipes               typing
_random             datetime            pkg_resources       unicodedata
_sha1               dbm                 pkgutil             unittest
_sha256             decimal             platform            urllib
_sha3               difflib             plistlib            usb
_sha512             digitalio           poplib              uu
_signal             dis                 posix               uuid
_sitebuiltins       distutils           posixpath           venv
_socket             doctest             pprint              warnings
_sqlite3            easy_install        profile             wave
_sre                email               pstats              weakref
_ssl                encodings           pty                 webbrowser
_stat               ensurepip           pulseio             wheel
_statistics         enum                pwd                 wsgiref
_string             errno               py_compile          xdrlib
_strptime           faulthandler        pyclbr              xml
_struct             fcntl               pydoc               xmlrpc
_symtable           filecmp             pydoc_data          xxlimited
_sysconfigdata__linux_x86_64-linux-gnu fileinput           pyexpat             xxsubtype
_testbuffer         fnmatch             pyftdi              zipapp
_testcapi           formatter           queue               zipfile
_testimportmultiple fractions           quopri              zipimport
_testinternalcapi   ftplib              random              zlib
_testmultiphase     functools           re                  zoneinfo
_thread             gc                  readline
_threading_local    genericpath         reprlib

I am new to python, so apologies if I am missing something silly - however any assistance would be gratefully received.

Thank you.

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brentru commented Nov 23, 2020

This library does not yet work with CPython/Linux. It is being currently worked on #43.

I'll leave this issue open so I can address it when bringing in the CPython compatibility changes.

@brentru brentru self-assigned this Nov 23, 2020
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brentru commented Feb 19, 2021

@bhopkinson Hi, do you still have this issue? The latest version of this library is CPython compatible and may be installed using the Python package manager.

@brentru brentru removed their assignment Feb 19, 2021
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@brentru I'm experiencing the same issue...

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@brentru Me too

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tekktrik commented Oct 7, 2022

@bruno963852, @EnzoPortela - do you still have this issue? This should be fixed.

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brentru commented Apr 11, 2023

@tekktrik I do not mind testing this next week - does it still need to be tested before we can close out?

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I think it's worth keeping open until tested, unless you know the change that fixed, as I don't (unless it was some weird packaging thing I fixed and that's why I chimed in later).

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