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196 lines (140 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (140 loc) · 6.66 KB


From v2

The v3 release only contains breaking changes on the next-sanity/studio imports. If you're only using import {createClient, groq} from 'next-sanity' or import {definePreview, PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview' then there's no migration for you to do.

NextStudioGlobalStyle is removed

The layout is no longer using global CSS to set the Studio height. The switch to local CSS helps interop between Next /pages and /app layouts.

ServerStyleSheetDocument is removed

It's no longer necessary to setup styled-components SSR for the Studio to render correctly.

The internal isWorkspaceWithTheme and isWorkspaces utils are no longer exported

The useTheme hook is still available if you're building abstractions that need to know what the initial workspace theme variables are.

The useBackgroundColorsFromTheme, useBasePath, useConfigWithBasePath, and useTextFontFamilyFromTheme, hooks are removed

You can useTheme to replace useBackgroundColorsFromTheme and useTextFontFamilyFromTheme:

import {useMemo} from 'react'
import {useTheme} from 'next-sanity/studio'
import type {StudioProps} from 'sanity'
export default function MyComponent(props: Pick<StudioProps, 'config'>) {
  const theme = useTheme(config)
  // useBackgroundColorsFromTheme
  const {themeColorLight, themeColorDark} = useMemo(
    () => ({
  // useTextFontFamilyFromTheme
  const fontFamily = useMemo(() =>, [theme])

The reason why useBasePath and useConfigWithBasePath got removed is because Next /pages and /app diverge too much in how they declare dynamic segments. Thus you'll need to specify basePath in your sanity.config.ts manually to match the route you're loading the studio, for the time being.

The NextStudioHead component has moved from next-sanity/studio to next-sanity/studio/head

Its props are also quite different and it now requires you to wrap it in import Head from 'next/head' if you're not using a head.tsx in appDir. Make sure you use TypeScript to ease the migration.

From v1

createPreviewSubscriptionHook is replaced with definePreview

There are several differences between the hooks. First of all, definePreview requires React 18 and Suspense. And as it's designed to work with React Server Components you provide token in the hook itself instead of in the definePreview step. Secondly, definePreview encourages code-splitting using React.lazy and that means you only call the usePreview hook in a component that is lazy loaded. Quite different from usePreviewSubscription which was designed to be used in both preview mode, and in production by providing initialData.


The files that are imported here are the same as the Next /pages example.


import {createPreviewSubscriptionHook} from 'next-sanity'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client, projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false}) => {
  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

const usePreviewSubscription = createPreviewSubscriptionHook({projectId, dataset})
export default function IndexPage({preview, data: initialData}) {
  const {data} = usePreviewSubscription(indexQuery, {initialData, enabled: preview})
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />


import {definePreview} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {projectId, dataset} from 'lib/sanity.client'

const usePreview = definePreview({projectId, dataset})
export default function PreviewDocumentsCount() {
  const data = usePreview(null, query)
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />


import {lazy} from 'react'
import {PreviewSuspense} from 'next-sanity/preview'
import {DocumentsCount, query} from 'components/DocumentsCount'
import {client} from 'lib/sanity.client'

const PreviewDocumentsCount = lazy(() => import('components/PreviewDocumentsCount'))

export const getStaticProps = async ({preview = false}) => {
  const data = await client.fetch(query)

  return {props: {preview, data}}

export default function IndexPage({preview, data}) {
  if (preview) {
    return (
      <PreviewSuspense fallback={<DocumentsCount data={data} />}>
        <PreviewDocumentsCount />
  return <DocumentsCount data={data} />

createCurrentUserHook is removed

If you used this hook to check if the user is cookie authenticated:

import {createCurrentUserHook} from 'next-sanity'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
const useCurrentUser = createCurrentUserHook({projectId})
const useCheckAuth = () => {
  const {data, loading} = useCurrentUser()
  return loading ? false : !!data

export default function Page() {
  const isAuthenticated = useCheckAuth()

Then you can achieve the same functionality using @sanity/preview-kit and suspend-react:

import {suspend} from 'suspend-react'
import {_checkAuth} from '@sanity/preview-kit'

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID
const useCheckAuth = () =>
  suspend(() => _checkAuth(projectId, null), ['@sanity/preview-kit', 'checkAuth', projectId])

export default function Page() {
  const isAuthenticated = useCheckAuth()

From v0.4

createPortableTextComponent is removed

This utility used to wrap @sanity/block-content-to-react. It's encouraged to upgrade to @portabletext/react.

$ npm install @portabletext/react
// or
$ yarn add @portabletext/react
-import { createPortableTextComponent } from 'next-sanity'
+import { PortableText as PortableTextComponent } from '@portabletext/react'

-export const PortableText = createPortableTextComponent({ serializers: {} })
+export const PortableText = (props) => <PortableTextComponent components={{}} {...props} />

Please note that the serializers and components are not 100% equivalent.

Check the full migration guide.

createImageUrlBuilder is removed

This utility is no longer wrapped by next-sanity and you'll need to install the dependency yourself:

$ npm install @sanity/image-url
// or
$ yarn add @sanity/image-url
-import { createImageUrlBuilder } from 'next-sanity'
+import createImageUrlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url'