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UI-Router angular-hybrid


UI-Router support for Hybrid Angular/AngularJS apps

This module provides ngUpgrade integration with UI-Router. It enables UI-Router to route to both AngularJS components (and/or templates) and Angular components.

Your app will be hosted by AngularJS while you incrementally upgrade it to Angular. With @uirouter/angular-hybrid you can use either an Angular component or an AngularJS component/template as the view in a state definition.

import { Ng2AboutComponentClass } from "./about.ng2.component";

/// ...

  name: 'home',
  url: '/home',
  component: 'ng1HomeComponent' // AngularJS component or directive name

  name: 'about',
  url: '/about',
  component: Ng2AboutComponentClass // Angular component class reference

  name: 'other',
  url: '/other',
  template: '<h1>Other</h1>', // AngularJS template/controller
  controller: function($scope) { /* do stuff */ }

When routing to an Angular component, that component uses the standard Angular directives (ui-view and uiSref) from @uirouter/angular.

When routing to an AngularJS component or template, that component uses the standard AngularJS directives (ui-view and ui-sref) from @uirouter/angularjs.

See the hybrid sample app for a full example.

Getting started

Remove angular-ui-router (or @uirouter/angularjs) from your AngularJS app's package.json and replace it with @uirouter/angular-hybrid. Add the @angular/* dependencies.

dependencies: {
  "@angular/common": "^6.0.0",
  "@angular/compiler": "^6.0.0",
  "@angular/core": "^6.0.0",
  "@angular/platform-browser": "^6.0.0",
  "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "^6.0.0",
  "@angular/upgrade": "^6.0.0",
  "@uirouter/angular-hybrid": "^6.0.0",

Remove any ng-app attributes from your main HTML file. We need to use manual AngularJS bootstrapping mode.

Add AngularJS module ui.router.upgrade

  • Add 'ui.router.upgrade' to your AngularJS app module's depedencies
let ng1module = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ui.router.upgrade']);


Create a root Angular NgModule

  • Import the BrowserModule, UpgradeModule, and a UIRouterUpgradeModule.forRoot() module.
  • Add providers entry for any AngularJS services you want to expose to Angular.
  • The module should have a ngDoBootstrap method which calls the UpgradeModule's bootstrap method.
export function getDialogService($injector) {
  return $injector.get('DialogService');

  imports: [
    // Provide angular upgrade capabilities
    // Provides the @uirouter/angular directives and registers
    // the future state for the lazy loaded contacts module
    UIRouterUpgradeModule.forRoot({ states: [contactsFutureState] }),
  providers: [
    // Provide the SystemJsNgModuleLoader when using Angular lazy loading
    { provide: NgModuleFactoryLoader, useClass: SystemJsNgModuleLoader },

    // Register some AngularJS services as Angular providers
    { provide: 'DialogService', deps: ['$injector'], useFactory: getDialogService },
    { provide: 'Contacts', deps: ['$injector'], useFactory: getContactsService },
export class SampleAppModuleAngular {
  constructor(private upgrade: UpgradeModule) { }

  ngDoBootstrap() {
    this.upgrade.bootstrap(document.body, [], { strictDi: true });


Defer intercept

Tell UI-Router that it should wait until all bootstrapping is complete before doing the initial URL synchronization.

ngmodule.config(['$urlServiceProvider', ($urlService: UrlService) => $urlService.deferIntercept()]);


Bootstrap the app

  • Bootstrap Angular
  • Angular runs ngDoBootstrap() which bootstraps AngularJS
  • Chain off bootstrapModule() and tell UIRouter to synchronize the URL and listen for further URL changes
    • Do this in the Angular Zone to avoid "digest already in progress" errors.
  .then((platformRef) => {
    // Intialize the Angular Module
    // get() the UIRouter instance from DI to initialize the router
    const urlService: UrlService = platformRef.injector.get(UIRouter).urlService;

    // Instruct UIRouter to listen to URL changes
    function startUIRouter() {

    platformRef.injector.get < NgZone >;


Route to AngularJS components/templates

Your existing AngularJS routes work the same as before.

var foo = {
  name: 'foo',
  url: '/foo',
  component: 'fooComponent'

var bar = {
  name: '',
  url: '/bar',
  templateUrl: '/bar.html',
  controller: 'BarController'

Route to Angular components

Register states using either Angular or AngularJS code. Use component: in your state declaration.

var leaf = {
  name: '',
  url: '/leaf',
  component: MyNg2CommponentClass

Create Angular Feature Modules (optional)

  imports: [
      states: [featureState1, featureState2],
  declarations: [FeatureComponent1, FeatureComponent2],
export class MyFeatureModule {}


Add the feature module to the root NgModule imports

  imports: [BrowserModule, UIRouterUpgradeModule.forChild({ states }), MyFeatureModule],
class SampleAppModule {}



Nested Routing

We currently support routing either Angular (2+) or AngularJS (1.x) components into an AngularJS (1.x) ui-view. However, we do not support routing AngularJS (1.x) components into an Angular (2+) ui-view.

If you create an Angular (2+) ui-view, then any nested ui-view must also be Angular (2+).

Because of this, apps should be migrated starting from leaf states/views and work up towards the root state/view.


Resolve blocks on state definitions are always injected using AngularJS style string injection tokens.

  • UI-Router for AngularJS injects objects using string tokens, such as '$transition$', '$state', or 'currentUser'.
resolve: {
  roles: ($authService, currentUser) => $authService.fetchRoles(currentUser);
  • UI-Router for Angular uses the Transition.injector() API. The resolve function receives the Transition object as the first argument.
  // In Angular, the first argument to a resolve is always the Transition object
  // The resolver (usually) must be exported
  export const rolesResolver = (transition) => {
    const authService = transition.injector().get(AuthService);
    const currentUser = transition.injector().get('currentUser');
    return authService.fetchRoles(currentUser);


  resolve: {
    roles: rolesResolver

In UI-Router for Angular/AngularJS hybrid mode, all resolves are injected using AngularJS style. If you need to inject Angular services by class, or need to use some other token-based injection such as an InjectionToken, access them by injecting the $transition$ object using string-based injection. Then, use the Transition.injector() API to access your services and values.

import { AuthService, UserToken } from './auth.service';

// Notice that the `Transition` object is first injected
// into the resolver using the '$transition$' string token
export const rolesResolver = function ($transition$) {
  // Get the AuthService using a class token
  const authService: AuthService = transition.injector().get(AuthService);

  // Get the user object using an InjectionToken
  const user = transition.injector().get(UserToken);

  return authService.fetchRoles(user).then((resp) => resp.roles);

export const NG2_STATE = {
  name: 'ng2state',
  url: '/ng2state',
  component: Ng2Component,
  resolve: {
    roles: rolesResolver,


When a state has an onEnter, onExit, or onRetain, they are always injected (AngularJS style), even if the state uses Angular 2+ components or is added to an UIRouterUpgradeModule NgModule.

export function ng2StateOnEnter(transition: Transition, svc: MyService) {
  console.log( + svc.getThing());
ng2StateOnEnter.$inject = [Transition, 'MyService'];
export const NG2_STATE = {
  name: 'ng2state',
  url: '/ng2state',
  onEnter: ng2StateOnEnter,


The minimal example of @uirouter/angular-hybrid can be found here:

A minimal example can also be found on stackblitz:

A large sample application example with lazy loaded modules can be found here:

The same sample application can be live-edited using Angular CLI and StackBlitz here:

UpgradeAdapter vs UpgradeModule

Version 2.0.0 of @uirouter/angular-hybrid only supports UpgradeAdapter, which works fine but is no longer in development. Version 3.0.0+ of @uirouter/angular-hybrid only supports UpgradeModule from @angular/upgrade/static, which is what the Angular team actively supports for hybrid mode. Because we dropped support for UpgradeAdapter, current users of @uirouter/angular-hybrid 2.x will have to switch to UpgradeModule when upgrading to 3.x.