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Quiz Game API

Welcome to the Quiz Game API documentation. This API provides a straightforward way for users to engage in daily quizzes consisting of multiple-choice questions.

This project was build to provides a hands-on experience in developing with Next.js, utilizing Prisma with leveraging PostgreSQL.


  • Daily Quizzes: Users receive five new multiple-choice questions daily.
  • Answer Feedback: After answering, users can view all answer options and their explanations.
  • TIme zone imunity: Timestamps for questions asked and answered are stored and processed at UTC to elememinate any possible loss or gain of the answering window.
  • Role-Based Access: Editors can manage questions, while administrators have broader access to manage both questions and users.
  • JWT Authentication: Secure authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) ensures authorized access to API endpoints.

Endpoints Overview

Get Today's Questions

Endpoint: GET /quiz/today

  • check if the user already have questions today : return
  • get current user level
  • pick 5 new questions of appropriate level
  • add questins to userquestions: return with options (without discription)

Answer Question

Endpoint: POST /quiz/answer

  • check if valid Question ( asked today for the user, not answered already)
  • check if valid option
  • update user progress with points, mark question as answered
  • update userlevel if total score exceed current level threshold
  • return all options for the question with description (explanation) **even if answer is wrong

Add, Edit, Update, Delete Question


Basic CRUD for question, Role based Autthentication for EDITOR, ADMIN

Get Users


User can get their own user details and ADMIN can get users by ID

Users and UserProgress


User can get their own user and progress details and ADMIN can get both by ID

Database Schema

Users Table (users)

Column Type Description
id Int Unique identifier for each user.
email String User's email address.
password String User's password (hashed).
firstName String User's first name (optional).
lastName String User's last name (optional).
role Enum User's role (ADMIN, EDITOR, USER).
createdAt DateTime Date and time of user creation.
updatedAt DateTime Date and time of last update.

UserProgresses Table (user_progresses)

Column Type Description
userId Int Foreign key referencing the Users table.
totalQuestions Int Total number of questions attempted.
totalCorrects Int Total number of correct answers.
totalPoints Int Total points accumulated by the user.
level Int User's current level.
createdAt DateTime Date and time of creation.
updatedAt DateTime Date and time of last update.

Questions Table (questions)

Column Type Description
id Int Unique identifier for each question.
question String The question text.
level Int Difficulty level of the question.
points Int Points assigned to the question.
createdAt DateTime Date and time of question creation.
updatedAt DateTime Date and time of last update.

QuestionOptions Table (question_options)

Column Type Description
id Int Unique identifier for each option.
option String The answer option text.
correct Boolean Indicates if the option is correct.
description String Explanation or description of the option.
questionId Int Foreign key referencing the Questions table.
createdAt DateTime Date and time of option creation.
updatedAt DateTime Date and time of last update.

UserQuestions Table (user_questions)

Column Type Description
id Int Unique identifier for each user-question pair.
userId Int Foreign key referencing the Users table.
questionId Int Foreign key referencing the Questions table.
answered Boolean Indicates if the question has been answered.
maxPoints Int Maximum points for the question.
earnedPoints Int Points earned by the user for this question.
askedAt DateTime Date and time when the question was asked.
answeredAt DateTime Date and time when the question was answered.

End to End Tests

The end-to-end tests for this application validate its core functionalities across various scenarios.Implemented using Buit-in Testing Module, Pactum for HTTP request assertions, these tests cover authentication, user progress tracking, quiz interactions, and question management.


$ yarn install 
$ yarn db:dev:reset #resets the postgress db on docker.
$ yarn db:dev:seed #preloads 20 mock question
$ yarn start:dev

# presets the test db, preloads 20 questions and start the e2e tsts
yan test:e2e:watch

Tech Stack/Tools used

  • Nest JS
  • Prisma
  • Postgress
  • Pactum
  • Passport
  • Docker
  • Insomnia


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