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Comparing texts


docker rmi
docker run -e NO_CAPTCHA=1 -e RECAPTCHA_SECRET=NA -p 8080:8080 --rm

Then go to this URL and enjoy!

Technical Setup

The rust directory contains the Rust extension module

The app directory contains the Python web app.

First, go to the app directory, and setup the .env file.


docker build -t string_compare .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 string_compare

Then go to http://localhost:8080/

Or from pre-built container

docker run --env-file ./app/.env -p 8080:8080 --rm


docker run -e NO_CAPTCHA=1 -p 8080:8080 --rm

The algorithm

Utility Functions

The algorithm will assume the existance of some simple utility functions, these are:

<Algorithm name> (<parameters>): <algorithm discription>

Levenshtein Edit ratio (str1, str2): returns the Levenshtein edit ratio between str1 and str2. The edit ratio is the following: (lengthOfString - editDistance)/lengthOfString
Dot Product (vectorA, vectorB): returns the dot product of vectorA and vectorB. By dot product, we refer to multiplying the corresponding element of each vector, and summing the results.

The string matching algorithm

This uses a modified version of the longest common substring algorithm.

It takes three inputs: ratio, minLen, and maxStrikes.

The concept is built around a table: the letters of Text A in the rows, and the letters of text B in the columns.

For example if "ABCDEFZ" is text A and "FABCDFEY" is text B, then the table would look like this:


The elements of each cell contain a natural numbers: l.

Initially all cells are initialized to 0.

The algorithm will start traversing the table row-by-row, from top-to-buttom and left-to-right.

In each cell, it will look at the corresponding letter from text A and text B, and apply the below:

Suppose the cell is in the ith row and jth column.

If the corresponding letter from text A matches the letter from text B:
- and `i` or `j` is 1, it will insert 0, 0 into the cell.
- and `i` and `j` is not 1, it will copy `l` from the `i-1` row and `j-1` column incrementing `l` by one.

If the corresponding letter from text A does not match the letter from text B:
- if edit ratio of the string from text A in the range `(i-l, i-1)` from the `i-1`, `j-1` cell is greater then `ratio`, copy l to the current cell.
- if the edit ratio is less or equal to `ratio` and `l` is greater or equal to `minLen`, then declare the substring of length `l` and end position in text A and B to be `i-1` and `j-1` respectively to be a match. Content of the cell is left 0,0 .
- if neither of the above match, the cell content is left 0,0.

At the end, the table may look something like this (with ratio=0.6 and minLen=3):

F 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
A 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
B 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
D 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 5 1 0
E 0 0 0 0 1 6 0
Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The only match would be between index 0 to 6 of text A and 1 to 6 of text B.

Hopefully the match is visible across the diagonal.

Once these initial matches are identified, the algorithm continues by trying to expand the matches. It looks at the next characters after the end of the string, and observes that if it includes some of the next maxStrike characters, whether the edit ratio goes above ratio. If it goes above, then it looks at the next maxStrike characters.


Building this table can be memory intensive. To help with this, this implementation only stores the last 2 rows, and rest are discarded. This ensures that uneeded data is not stored.

Known issues

If both text A and text B contain the same repeating pattern adjacently (e.g.: textA=textB='AB AB AB AB'), the algorithm will identify this pattern multiple times, even though they are part of a greater substring.

That is for textA=textB='AB AB AB AB', the algorithm would output:

  • 'AB AB AB AB' - this is correct
  • 'AB AB AB' - this is unecessary - it is already contained in the above substring
  • 'AB AB' - this is unecessary - it is already contained in the above substring
  • 'AB' - this is unecessary - it is already contained in the above substring

The cosine similarity

Once the similar substrings have been identified, the algorithm applies the below algorithm to substrings that are between (sandwiched) by the matched substrings.

So that is, the algorithm will apply the below algorithm to an array of string pairs. These pairs contain the sandwiched substrings from both text A and B. If there is a match (we will denote this match as M1) and another match (which we will denote as M2), the algorithm would extract the substring sandwiched by M1 and M2 from both text A and B.

For each of these sandwiched pairs, it will find the set of all characters that appear in the pair.

For example if a pair is abcd and cdef, then the set would contain abcdef.

Second it builds an array from this set. That is, abcdef would become [a, b, c, d, e, f].

It then builds a vector for both strings, where the nth element of the vector represents the frequency of the character at position n of the array in the string. It would build this vector for each string in the pair. So two vectors per pair.

It then calculates the dot product of the two vectors, and divides it by the square root of the dot product of the vectors with themselves.

That is, the formula is (dot(A, B) represents the dot products of vector A and B):

dot(vecA, vecB)/sqrt(dot(vecA, vecA) * dot(vecB, vecB)) where vecA and vecB are vectors from the sandwiched pairs from textA and textB respectively.

The result of this is the cosine similarity of the two vectors.

The output

Finally, the algorithm returns the substrings that where matched (together with their ratio), and the sandwiched substrings (together with their cosine similarities).

The App's Architecture


The frontend is responsible for displaying and visualising the output. It calls the API server with the inputs, and visualises the output. It also does some input validation, sanity checks, and minimal preprocessing.

This is written with Typescript using Next.js. It is exported as a Static WebApp.

Backend API Server

This is simple HTTP server built with aiohttp in Python. This is responsible for running the analysis.

The algorithm to identify Levenshtein matches is written in Rust, this is to maximise the efficiency of the code. This is in the form of a Python extension module, so it is called from Python code.

The algorithm to calculate the cosine similarity is written in Python, thanks to numpy, it is possible to make this code efficient without Rust.

To save bandwidth, instead of returning the matched strings, it only returns the start and end index of the matches. The data is serialized as JSON.

This API server is often distributed as a Docker container.