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Native support for various image segmentation operations


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Python 3 native support for various image segmentation operations.

Andrei I. Volkov (NIH/NEI Contractor)

Installation and setup

  1. Select your target Python 3 environment (Conda Virtual Environment recommended), make sure swig and numpy packages (pre-requisites) are installed.

  2. Check out (or unzip) imagetools into a suitable directory /path/to/imagetools/directory.

  3. Type:

    python -m pip install /path/to/imagetools/directory

  4. To test installation, run python and type:

    >>> import imagetools
    >>> imagetools.version()

If the installation is OK, you will see the version number like this:

'1.0.0 (2022-08-19)'

To uninstall imagetools from your current Python 3 environment, type:

python -m pip uninstall -y imagetools


ver = imagetools.version() : Return module version as str

imagetools.postprocess_particle_borders(mask) : Perform post-processing on 2D masks predicted by cell border semantic segmentation ML models, such as REShAPE.


  • mask : a binary mask (0=background, 255=foreground), a numpy array of shape (height,width) and dtype=numpy.uint8


  • None, mask is updated as shown below.
Before: After:

particles = imagetools.detect_particles(mask) : Detect particles on an image mask showing particle borders, such as the ones created by REShAPE or postprocess_particle_borders(). A particle in this case is an area painted in background color, surrounded by borders (foreground color) from all sides, i.e. not "touching" image borders, etc.


  • mask : a binary mask (0=background, 255=foreground), a numpy array of shape (height,width) and dtype=numpy.uint8


  • particles : a tuple of tuples containing particle data: ( (y1,xL1,xR1, y2,xL2,xR2, ...), (y1,xL1,xR1, y2,xL2,xR2, ...), ... ) Each inner touple contains pixel coordinates of a single particle in the form of segments y,xL,xR. Both xL and xR are included, segment length is xR-xL+1; a 1-pixel segment will have xL==xR. Segments are placed one after another in the same tuple, for a total length equal to the number of segments times 3.

  • mask is updated as shown below:

num_particles = imagetools.detect_particles_csv(mask, csvfile) : Same as detect_particles(), but write the results into a CSV file, rather than return them as a Python object.


  • mask : a binary mask (0=background, 255=foreground), a numpy array of shape (height,width) and dtype=numpy.uint8

  • csvfile : (str) name of a CSV file to write detected particle data to.


  • num_particles : (int) number of detected particles

particles = imagetools.masks_to_particles(masks[, x_orig, y_orig, [minarea]]) : Convert array of object masks (as returned by instance segmentation models such as Mask_RCNN) into a tuple of tuples containing particle data in the same format as detect_particles().


  • masks : an array of binary masks (0=background, 255=foreground), one mask per particle, a numpy array of shape=(num_masks, height, width) and dtype=uint8, as returned by instance segmentation models such as Mask_RCNN.

Optional parameters:

  • x_orig, y_orig : tile coordinate origins. Output coordinates are translated by adding the origin - good for reconstructing tiled images (just concatenate the outputs).

  • minarea : if detected mask consists of several disconnected areas, filter out those smaller than this.


  • particles : a tuple of tuples containing particle data, same format as detect_particles(): ( (y1,xL1,xR1, y2,xL2,xR2, ...), (y1,xL1,xR1, y2,xL2,xR2, ...), ... ) Each inner touple contains pixel coordinates of a single particle in the form of segments y,xL,xR. Both xL and xR are included, segment length is xR-xL+1; a 1-pixel segment will have xL==xR. Segments are placed one after another in the same tuple, for a total length equal to the number of segments times 3.

imagetools.assemble_ml(particles_3d, mask3d, csvfile[, postproc]) : Perform 3D assembly (converrt multi-frame 2D particle data into 3D cell data).


  • particles_3d : a list (or tuple) of particle data lists, each element corresponds to one frame worth of particle data as returned by detect_particles() or masks_to_particles(); len(particles_3d) is equal to the number of Z-frames in mask3d.

  • mask3d : a numpy array of shape (num_frames, height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint8, where the output mask is stored (0=inner cell pixels, 255=border cell pixels, 128=background pixels). If postproc is imagetools.POSTPROC_NONE or imagetools.POSTPROC_ACTIN, the input array must be zeros; if postproc is imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA, it must be pre-filled with binarized source DNA data, 0=background, 255=foreground (pixels where source pixel values are above lower Otsu trheshold in 3-way Otsu).

  • csvfile : (str) a path to a file where the output cell data will be written to. Format is ID,Frame,y,xL,xR.

Optional parameters:

  • postproc : (int) one of imagetools.POSTPROC_NONE (default), imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA, imagetools.POSTPROC_ACTIN or imagetools.POSTPROC_SANDPAPER. The imagetools.POSTPROC_SANDPAPER option triggers removal of segmentation artifacts ("appendages" or "micro-satellites"), same as imagetools.sandpaper_cells(). This flag can be used in conjunction with imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA or imagetools.POSTPROC_ACTIN using logical OR '|':
	imagetools.assemble_ml(particles_3d, mask3d, csvfile, imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA | imagetools.POSTPROC_SANDPAPER)
	imagetools.assemble_ml(particles_3d, mask3d, csvfile, imagetools.POSTPROC_ACTIN | imagetools.POSTPROC_SANDPAPER)

imagetools.assemble_2d(particles_2d, scores, data, csvfile[, postproc]) : Perform 2D assembly (converrt multi-tile single-frame 2D particle data into full-frame 2D particle data).


  • particles_2d : a list (or tuple) of particle data tuples, usually a concatenated list of results of imagetools.masks_to_particles(), one element per particle (y1,xL1,xR1, y2,xL2,xR2, ...).

  • scores : a list of floats containing particle segmentation scores, one value per particle, len(scores) == len(particles_2d).

  • data : a numpy array of shape (height, width) and dtype numpy.uint16. if postproc is imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA, it must be pre-filled with binarized source DNA data, 0=background, 255=foreground (pixels where source pixel values are above lower Otsu trheshold in 3-way Otsu). Otherwise, it can be empty or zeros.

  • csvfile : (str) a path to a file where the output 2D particle data will be written to. Format is ID,y,xL,xR.

Optional parameters:

  • postproc : (int) one of imagetools.POSTPROC_NONE (default), imagetools.POSTPROC_DNA, imagetools.POSTPROC_ACTIN.

result = imagetools.compare_3d_annotations(width, height, num_frames, base_csv, cmp_csv) : Compare two sets of 3D segmentation results.


  • width, height, num_frames : (int) dimensions of the 3D image on which the segmentations were performed.

  • base_csv : (str) path to file containing base segmentation, formatted as ID,Frame,y,xL,xR, such as one produced by assemble_ml().

  • cmp_csv : (str) path to file containing segmentation to compare the base segmentation to. Same format ID,Frame,y,xL,xR.


  • result : (imagetools.Compare3dResult), a data structure with the following attributes:

    • base_cells : (int) number of 3D cells loaded from 'base_csv`

    • cmp_cells :(int) number of 3D cells loaded from cmp_csv

    • base_slices : (int) number of 2D cell slices (particles) loaded from base_csv

    • cmp_slices : (int) number of 2D cell slices (particles) loaded from cmp_csv

    • f_pos : (int) number of 2D false positives

    • f_neg : (int) number of 2D false negatives

    • fragm : (int) number of fragmented 2D slices

    • fused : (int) number of fused 2D slices

    • pct_match : (int array of size 100) spread of 1-1 2D slice matches by IoU percentages

    • f_pos_3d : (int) number of 3D false positives

    • f_neg_3d : (int) number of 3D false negatives

    • fragm_3d : (int) number of fragmented 3D cells

    • fused_3d : (int) number of fused 3D cells

    • pct_match_3d : (int array of size 100) spread of 1-1 3D cell matches by IoU percentages

    Note that base_slices==f_neg+fragm+fused+sum(pct_match) and base_cells==f_neg_3d+fragm_3d+fused_3d+sum(pct_match_3d).

result = imagetools.imagetools.border_pixels(w, h, d, csvfile) : Extract border pixel coordinates from segmentation data.


  • w, h, d : (int) dimensions of the 3D image on which the segmentations were performed (d = number of frames).

  • csvfile : (str) path to file containing 3D segmentation, formatted as ID,Frame,y,xL,xR, such as one produced by assemble_ml().


  • result : (tuple of tuples of tuples), pixel data formatted like this:
		((x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1), ...),	# object 1
		((x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1), ...),	# object 2
		((x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1), ...),	# object 3

The outer tuple contains object tuples representing segmented objects, one entry per ID The object tuples contain coordinate tuples of size 3 (x, y, z), one entry per border pixel.

imagetools.rs_tops_bottoms(mask3d[, xcolor]) : Add cell tops and bottoms to REShAPE3D Ground Truth data.

The procedure tries to identify cell objects (using imagetools.assemble_ml()) and "complement" cell borders at cell tops and bottoms.


  • mask3d : a numpy array of shape (num_frames, height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint8, the Ground Truth for REShAPE3D obtained by REShAPE-ing and post-processing individual frames in Actin channel. 0 = background, 255 = foreground (cell walls, mostly vertical).
  • xcolor : an optional int specifying pixel value for extrapolated cell tops and bottoms. Default value is 127 (0x7F). Invoke as imagetools.rs_tops_bottoms(mask3d, 0xFF) to keep the output mask3d binary.


  • None, mask3d is updated with cell tops and bottoms, painted with xcolor pixel value.

imagetools.sandpaper_cells(w, h, d, in_csv, out_csv) : Remove loosely connected "appendages" and disconnected "micro-satellites" (segmentation artifacts) from segmented 3D objects, like this:

The procedure first "erodes" input objects (one by one) by 1 pixel to completely isolate loosely connected appendages (if any), then detect all resulting disconnected parts using a flood fill algorithm, then picks up the biggest part and removes the rest. The remaining part is "dilated" by 1 pixel to restore original boundaries (as close as possible). As a result, some small input objects may completely disappear from the output data.


  • w, h, d : (int) dimensions of the 3D image on which the segmentations were performed (d = number of frames).

  • in_csv : (str) path to file containing input 3D segmentation, formatted as ID,Frame,y,xL,xR, such as one produced by assemble_ml().

  • out_csv : (str) a path to a file where the output cell data will be written to. Format is ID,Frame,y,xL,xR.

imagetools.paint_cells(mask3d, csvfile) : Generate RPE Map -style 3D object mask out of cell data spreadsheet.


  • mask3d : an empty numpy array of shape (num_frames, height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint8, where the output mask is stored (0=inner cell pixels, 255=border cell pixels, 128=background pixels).

  • csvfile : (str) a path to a file where the input cell data will be read from. Format is ID,Frame,y,xL,xR.

imagetools.filter_particles(mask[, minarea]) : Filter out small objects on a binary mask image (0, 255).


  • mask : a numpy array of shape (height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint8, containing initial object mask (0=background, 255=foreground). On exit contains filtered mask in the same format, but with small objects removed and replaced with background pixels.

Optional parameters:

  • minarea : int (optional, default 10) min.area of the objects to keep. Any objects of areas smaller than this are removed (filled with background pixels).

result = imagetools.count_neighbors(id_mask) : Count cell neighbors on 16-bit ID mask (0=background, 1=Cell1, 2=Cell2, etc.)


  • id_mask : a numpy array of shape (height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint16, containing cell masks, each cell painted with unique color (pixel value) > 0


  • tuple of 2-value tuples ((CellID1, Neighbors1), (CellID2, Neighbors2), ...), one entry per cell.

imagetools.id_mask_merge_cells(id_mask_3d[, maxgap[, miniou]]) : Merge cell fragmengts on 16-bit ID mask (0=background, 1=Cell1, 2=Cell2, etc.) if they are separated by missing z-frames


  • id_mask_3d : a numpy array of shape (depth, height, width) and dtype=numpy.uint16, containing cell masks, each cell painted with unique color (pixel value) > 0

  • maxgap : int (optional, default 10) max gap between z-frames

  • miniou : float (optional, default 0.6) min IOU between closest z-frames


  • None, id_mask_3d is updated with merged cell IDs (there is usually fewer of them)


Native support for various image segmentation operations







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