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Clojars Project bb built-in

Turn Clojure functions into CLIs!


This library is still in design phase and may still undergo breaking changes. Check breaking changes before upgrading!


Add to your deps.edn or bb.edn :deps entry:

org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}


Command line arguments in clojure and babashka CLIs are often in the form:

$ cli command :opt1 v1 :opt2 v2

or the more Unixy:

$ cli command --long-opt1 v1 -o v2

The main ideas:

  • Put as little effort as possible into turning a clojure function into a CLI, similar to -X style invocations. For lazy people like me! If you are not familiar with clj -X, read the docs here.
  • But with a better UX by not having to use quotes on the command line as a result of having to pass EDN directly: :dir foo instead of :dir '"foo"' or who knows how to write the latter in cmd.exe or Powershell.
  • Open world assumption: passing extra arguments does not break and arguments can be re-used in multiple contexts.

Both : and -- are supported as the initial characters of a named option, but cannot be mixed. See options for more details.

See clojure CLI for how to turn your exec functions into CLIs.

Projects using babashka CLI


Simple example

Here is an example script to get you started!

#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.cli :as cli]
         '[babashka.fs :as fs])

(defn dir-exists?
  (fs/directory? path))

(defn show-help
  (cli/format-opts (merge spec {:order (vec (keys (:spec spec)))})))

(def cli-spec
   {:num {:coerce :long
          :desc "Number of some items"
          :alias :n                     ; adds -n alias for --num
          :validate pos?                ; tests if supplied --num >0
          :require true}                ; --num,-n is required
    :dir {:desc "Directory name to do stuff"
          :alias :d
          :validate dir-exists?}        ; tests if --dir exists
    :flag {:coerce :boolean             ; defines a boolean flag
           :desc "I am just a flag"}}
   :error-fn                           ; a function to handle errors
   (fn [{:keys [spec type cause msg option] :as data}]
     (when (= :org.babashka/cli type)
       (case cause
           (format "Missing required argument: %s\n" option))
           (format "%s does not exist!\n" msg)))))})

(defn -main
  (let [opts (cli/parse-opts args cli-spec)]
    (if (or (:help opts) (:h opts))
      (println (show-help cli-spec))
      (println "Here are your cli args!:" opts))))

(-main *command-line-args*)

And this is how you run it:

$ bb try-me.clj --num 1 --dir my_dir --flag
Here are your cli args!: {:num 1, :dir my_dir, :flag true}

$ bb try-me.clj --help
Missing required argument: :num

  -n, --num  Number of some items
  -d, --dir  Directory name to do stuff
      --flag I am just a flag

Using the spec format is optional and you can implement you own parsing logic just with parse-opts/parse-args. However, many would find the above example familiar.


For parsing options, use either parse-opts or parse-args.


Parse {:port 1339} from command line arguments:

(require '[babashka.cli :as cli])

(cli/parse-opts ["--port" "1339"] {:coerce {:port :long}})
;;=> {:port 1339}

Use an alias (short option):

(cli/parse-opts ["-p" "1339"] {:alias {:p :port} :coerce {:port :long}})
;; {:port 1339}

Coerce values into a collection:

(cli/parse-opts ["--paths" "src" "--paths" "test"] {:coerce {:paths []}})
;;=> {:paths ["src" "test"]}

(cli/parse-opts ["--paths" "src" "test"] {:coerce {:paths []}})
;;=> {:paths ["src" "test"]}

Transforming to a collection of a certain type:

(cli/parse-opts ["--foo" "bar" "--foo" "baz"] {:coerce {:foo [:keyword]}})
;; => {:foo [:bar :baz]}

Booleans need no explicit true value and :coerce option:

(cli/parse-opts ["--verbose"])
;;=> {:verbose true}

(cli/parse-opts ["-v" "-v" "-v"] {:alias {:v :verbose}
                                  :coerce {:verbose []}})
;;=> {:verbose [true true true]}

Long options also support the syntax --foo=bar:

(cli/parse-opts ["--foo=bar"])
;;=> {:foo "bar"}

Flags may be combined into a single short option (since 0.7.51):

(cli/parse-opts ["-abc"])
;;=> {:a true :b true :c true}

Arguments that start with --no- arg parsed as negative flags (since 0.7.51):

(cli/parse-opts ["--no-colors"])
;;=> {:colors false}


Since v0.3.35 babashka CLI auto-coerces values that have no explicit coercion with auto-coerce: it automatically tries to convert booleans, numbers and keywords.


To parse positional arguments, you can use parse-args and/or the :args->opts option. E.g. to parse arguments for the git push command:

(cli/parse-args ["--force" "ssh://foo"] {:coerce {:force :boolean}})
;;=> {:args ["ssh://foo"], :opts {:force true}}

(cli/parse-args ["ssh://foo" "--force"] {:coerce {:force :boolean}})
;;=> {:args ["ssh://foo"], :opts {:force true}}

Note that this library can only disambiguate correctly between values for options and trailing arguments with enough :coerce information available. Without the :force :boolean info, we get:

(cli/parse-args ["--force" "ssh://foo"])
{:opts {:force "ssh://foo"}}

In case of ambiguity -- may also be used to communicate the boundary between options and arguments:

(cli/parse-args ["--paths" "src" "test" "--" "ssh://foo"] {:coerce {:paths []}})
{:args ["ssh://foo"], :opts {:paths ["src" "test"]}}


To fold positional arguments into the parsed options, you can use :args->opts:

(def cli-opts {:coerce {:force :boolean} :args->opts [:url]})

(cli/parse-opts ["--force" "ssh://foo"] cli-opts)
;;=> {:force true, :url "ssh://foo"}
(cli/parse-opts ["ssh://foo" "--force"] cli-opts)
;;=> {:url "ssh://foo", :force true}

If you want to fold a variable amount of arguments, you can coerce into a vector and specify the variable number of arguments with repeat:

(def cli-opts {:coerce {:bar []} :args->opts (cons :foo (repeat :bar))})
(cli/parse-opts ["arg1" "arg2" "arg3" "arg4"] cli-opts)
;;=> {:foo "arg1", :bar ["arg2" "arg3" "arg4"]}


Use the :restrict option to restrict options to only those explicitly mentioned in configuration:

(cli/parse-args ["--foo"] {:restrict [:bar]})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at babashka.cli/parse-opts (cli.cljc:357).
Unknown option: :foo


Use the :require option to throw an error when an option is not present:

(cli/parse-args ["--foo"] {:require [:bar]})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at babashka.cli/parse-opts (cli.cljc:363).
Required option: :bar


(cli/parse-args ["--foo" "0"] {:validate {:foo pos?}})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at babashka.cli/parse-opts (cli.cljc:378).
Invalid value for option :foo: 0

To gain more control over the error message, use :pred and :ex-msg:

(cli/parse-args ["--foo" "0"] {:validate {:foo {:pred pos? :ex-msg (fn [m] (str "Not a positive number: " (:value m)))}}})
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at babashka.cli/parse-opts (cli.cljc:378).
Not a positive number: 0

Adding default args

You can supply default args with :exec-args:

(cli/parse-args ["--foo" "0"] {:exec-args {:bar 1}})
;;=> {:foo 0, :bar 1}

Note that args specified in args will override defaults in :exec-args:

(cli/parse-args ["--foo" "0" "--bar" "42"] {:exec-args {:bar 1}})
;;=> {:foo 0, :bar 42}

Error handling

By default, an exception will be thrown in the following situations:

  • A restricted option is encountered
  • A required option is missing
  • Validation fails for an option
  • Coercion fails for an option

You may supply a custom error handler function with :error-fn. The function will be called with a map containing the following keys:

  • :type - :org.babashka/cli (for filtering out other types of errors).
  • :cause - one of:
    • :restrict - a restricted option was encountered.
    • :require - a required option was missing.
    • :validate - validation failed for an option.
    • :coerce - coercion failed for an option.
  • :msg - default error message.
  • :option - the option being parsed when the error occurred.
  • :spec - the spec passed into parse-opts (see the Spec section).

The following keys are present depending on :cause:

  • :cause :restrict
    • :restrict - the value of the :restrict opt to parse-args (see the Restrict section).
  • :cause :require
    • :require - the value of the :require opt to parse-args (see the Require section).
  • :cause :validate
    • :value - the value of the option that failed validation.
    • :validate - the value of the :validate opt to parse-args (see the Validate section).
  • :cause :coerce
    • :value - the value of the option that failed coercion.

It is recommended to either throw an exception or otherwise exit in the error handler function, unless you want to collect all of the errors and act on them in the end (see babashka.cli-test/error-fn-test for an example of this).

For example:

 {:spec {:foo {:desc "You know what this is."
         :ref "<val>"
         :require true}}
  (fn [{:keys [spec type cause msg option] :as data}]
    (if (= :org.babashka/cli type)
      (case cause
         (format "Missing required argument:\n%s"
                 (cli/format-opts {:spec (select-keys spec [option])})))
        (println msg))
      (throw (ex-info msg data)))
    (System/exit 1))})

would print:

Missing required argument:
  --foo <val> You know what this is.


This library can work with partial information to parse options. As such, the options to parse-opts and parse-args are optimized for terseness. However, when writing a CLI that supports automated printing of options, it is recommended to use the spec format:

(def spec {:from   {:ref          "<format>"
                    :desc         "The input format. <format> can be edn, json or transit."
                    :coerce       :keyword
                    :alias        :i
                    :default-desc "edn"
                    :default      :edn}
           :to     {:ref          "<format>"
                    :desc         "The output format. <format> can be edn, json or transit."
                    :coerce       :keyword
                    :alias        :o
                    :default-desc "json"
                    :default      :json}
           :pretty {:desc         "Pretty-print output."
                    :alias        :p}
           :paths  {:desc         "Paths of files to transform."
                    :coerce       []
                    :default      ["src" "test"]
                    :default-desc "src test"}})

You can pass the spec to parse-opts under the :spec key: (parse-opts args {:spec spec}). An explanation of each key:

  • :ref: a name which can be used as a reference in the description (:desc)
  • :desc: a description of the option.
  • :coerce: coerce string to given type.
  • :alias: mapping of short name to long name.
  • :default: default value.
  • :default-desc: a string representation of the default value.
  • :require: true make this opt required.
  • :validate: a function used to validate the value of this opt (as described in the Validate section).


Given the above spec you can print options as follows:

(println (cli/format-opts {:spec spec :order [:from :to :paths :pretty]}))

This will print:

  -i, --from   <format> edn      The input format. <format> can be edn, json or transit.
  -o, --to     <format> json     The output format. <format> can be edn, json or transit.
      --paths           src test Paths of files to transform.
  -p, --pretty                   Pretty-print output.

As options can often be re-used in multiple subcommands, you can determine the order and selection of printed options with :order. If you don't want to use :order and simply want to present the options as written, you can also use a vector of vectors for the spec:

[[:pretty {:desc "Pretty-print output."
           :alias :p}]
 [:paths {:desc "Paths of files to transform."
          :coerce []
          :default ["src" "test"]
          :default-desc "src test"}]]

If you need more flexibility, you can also use opts->table, which turns a spec into a vector of vectors, representing rows of a table. You can then useformat-table to produce a table as returned by format-opts. For example to add a header row with labels for each column, you could do something like:

 {:rows (concat [["alias" "option" "ref" "default" "description"]]
                 {:spec {:foo {:alias :f, :default "yupyupyupyup", :ref "<foo>"
                               :desc "Thingy"}
                         :bar {:alias :b, :default "sure", :ref "<bar>"
                               :desc "Barbarbar" :default-desc "Mos def"}}}))
  :indent 2})


An :alias specifies a mapping from short to long name.

The library can distinguish aliases with characters in common, so a way to implement the common -v/-vv unix pattern is:

(def spec {:verbose      {:alias :v
                          :desc  "Enable verbose output."}
           :very-verbose {:alias :vv
                          :desc  "Enable very verbose output."}})

You get:

(cli/parse-opts ["-v"] {:spec spec})
;;=> {:verbose true}

(cli/parse-opts ["-vv"] {:spec spec})
;;=> {:very-verbose true}

Another way would be to collect the flags in a vector with :coerce (and base verbosity on the size of that vector):

(def spec {:verbose {:alias :v
                     :desc  "Enable verbose output."
                     :coerce []}})

user=> (cli/parse-opts ["-vvv"] {:spec spec})
{:verbose [true true true]}


To handle subcommands, use dispatch.

An example. Say we want to create a CLI that can be called as:

$ example copy <file> --dry-run
$ example delete <file> --recursive --depth 3

This can be accomplished by doing the following:

(ns example
  (:require [babashka.cli :as cli]))

(defn copy [m]
  (assoc m :fn :copy))

(defn delete [m]
  (assoc m :fn :delete))

(defn help [m]
  (assoc m :fn :help))

(def table
  [{:cmds ["copy"]   :fn copy   :args->opts [:file]}
   {:cmds ["delete"] :fn delete :args->opts [:file]}
   {:cmds []         :fn help}])

(defn -main [& args]
  (cli/dispatch table args {:coerce {:depth :long}}))

Calling the example namespace's -main function can be done using clojure -M -m example or bb -m example. The last entry in the dispatch-table always matches and calls the help function.

When running clj -M -m example --help, dispatch calls help which returns:

{:opts {:help true}, :dispatch [], :fn :help}

When running clj -M -m example copy the-file --dry-run, dispatch calls copy, which returns:

{:cmds ["copy" "the-file"], :opts {:file "the-file" :dry-run true},
 :dispatch ["copy"], :fn :copy}

When running clj -M -m example delete the-file --depth 3, dispatch calls delete which returns:

{:cmds ["delete" "the-file"], :opts {:depth 3, :file "the-file"},
 :dispatch ["delete"], :fn :delete}

See neil for a real world example of a CLI that uses subcommands.

Additional parse-arg options may be passed in each table entry:

(def table
  [{:cmds ["copy"]   :fn copy   :args->opts [:file] :alias {:f :file :restrict true}}
   {:cmds ["delete"] :fn delete :args->opts [:file]}
   {:cmds []         :fn help}])

Since cli 0.8.54 the order of :cmds in the table doesn't matter.

Shared options

Since cli 0.8.54, babashka.cli supports parsing shared options in between and before the subcommands.


(def global-spec {:foo {:coerce :keyword}})
(def sub1-spec {:bar {:coerce :keyword}})
(def sub2-spec {:baz {:coerce :keyword}})

(def table
  [{:cmds [] :spec global-spec}
   {:cmds ["sub1"] :fn identity :spec sub1-spec}
   {:cmds ["sub1" "sub2"] :fn identity :spec sub2-spec}])

(cli/dispatch table ["--foo" "a" "sub1" "--bar" "b" "sub2" "--baz" "c" "arg"])


{:dispatch ["sub1" "sub2"],
 :opts {:foo :a, :bar :b, :baz :c},
 :args ["arg"]}

Note that specs are not merged, such that:

(cli/dispatch table ["sub1" "--foo" "bar"])

returns {:dispatch ["sub1"], :opts {:foo "bar"}} ("bar" is not coerced as a keyword).

Note that it is possible to use :args->opts but subcommands are always prioritized over arguments:

(def table
  [{:cmds ["sub1"] :fn identity :spec sub1-spec :args->opts [:some-opt]}
   {:cmds ["sub1" "sub2"] :fn identity :spec sub2-spec}])

(cli/dispatch table ["sub1" "dude"]) ;;=> {:dispatch ["sub1"], :opts {:some-opt "dude"}}
(cli/dispatch table ["sub1" "sub2"]) ;;=> {:dispatch ["sub1" "sub2"], :opts {}}

Babashka tasks

For documentation on babashka tasks, go here.

Since babashka 0.9.160, babashka.cli has become a built-in and has better integration through -x and exec. Read about that in the babashka book.

Clojure CLI

You can control parsing behavior by adding :org.babashka/cli metadata to Clojure functions. It does not introduce a dependency on babashka.cli itself. Not adding any metadata will result in string values, which in many cases may already be a reasonable default.

Adding support for this library will cause less friction with shell usage, especially on Windows since you need less quoting. You can support the same function for both clojure -X and clojure -M style invocations without writing extra boilerplate.

In your deps.edn :aliases entry, add:

:exec {:extra-deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}}
       :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

Now you can call any function that accepts a map argument. E.g.:

$ clojure -M:exec clojure.core prn :a 1 :b 2
{:a "1", :b "2"}

Use :org.babashka/cli metadata for coercions:

(ns my-ns)

(defn foo
  {:org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:a :symbol
                               :b :long}}}
  ;; map argument:
  ;; print map argument:
  (prn m))
$ clojure -M:exec my-ns foo :a foo/bar :b 2 :c vanilla
{:a foo/bar, :b 2, :c "vanilla"}

Note that any library can add support for babashka CLI without depending on babashka CLI.

An example that specializes babashka.cli usage to a function:

:prn {:extra-deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}}
      :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "clojure.core" "prn"]}
$ clojure -M:prn --foo=bar --baz
{:foo "bar" :baz true}

You can also pre-define the exec function in :exec-fn:

:prn {:extra-deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}}
      :exec-fn clojure.core/prn
      :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

To alter the parsing behavior of functions you don't control, you can add :org.babashka/cli data in the deps.edn alias:

:prn {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}}
      :exec-fn clojure.core/prn
      :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]
      :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:foo :long}}}
$ clojure -M:prn --foo=1
{:foo 1}

.clojure/deps.edn alias:

:antq {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}
              com.github.liquidz/antq {:mvn/version "1.7.798"}}
       :paths []
       :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec" "antq.tool" "outdated"]
       :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:skip []}}}

On the command line you can now run it with:

$ clj -M:antq --upgrade

Note that we are calling the same outdated function that you normally call with -T:

$ clj -Tantq outdated :upgrade true

even though antq has its own -main function.

Note that we added the :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:skip []}} data in the alias to make sure that --skip options get collected into a vector:

clj -M:antq --upgrade --skip github-action


clj -Tantq outdated :upgrade true :skip '["github-action"]'

The following projects have added support for babashka CLI. Feel free to add a PR to list your project as well!

In deps.edn create an alias:

:codox {:extra-deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}
                     codox/codox {:mvn/version "0.10.8"}}
        :exec-fn codox.main/generate-docs
        ;; default arguments:
        :exec-args {:source-paths ["src"]}
        :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:source-paths []
                                    :doc-paths []
                                    :themes [:keyword]}}
        :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

CLI invocation:

$ clojure -M:codox --output-path /tmp/out

In deps.edn create an alias:

:kaocha {:extra-deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}
                      lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.66.1034"}}
         :exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
         :exec-args {} ;; insert default arguments here
         :org.babashka/cli {:alias {:watch :watch?
                                      :fail-fast :fail-fast?}
                            :coerce {:skip-meta :keyword
                                     :kaocha/reporter [:symbol]}}
         :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

Now you are able to use kaocha's exec-fn to be used as a CLI:

$ clj -M:kaocha --watch --fail-fast --kaocha/reporter

In deps.edn create an alias:

:build {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}
               io.github.clojure/ {:git/tag "v0.8.2" :git/sha "ba1a2bf"}}
        :paths ["."]
        :ns-default build
        :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

Now you can call your build functions as CLIs:

clj -M:build jar --verbose

In deps.edn create an alias:

:graph {:deps {org.babashka/cli {:mvn/version "<latest-version>"}
               org.clojure/tools.deps.graph {:mvn/version "1.1.68"}}
        :exec-args {} ;; insert default arguments here
        :org.babashka/cli {:coerce {:trace-omit [:symbol]}}
        :main-opts ["-m" "babashka.cli.exec"]}

Then invoke on the command line:

clj -M:graph --size --output graph.png


This tool can be used to run clojure exec functions with lein.

An example with clj-new:

In ~/.lein/profiles.clj put:

{:clj-1.11 {:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]]}
 :clj-new {:dependencies [[org.babashka/cli "<latest-version>"]
                          [com.github.seancorfield/clj-new "1.2.381"]]}
 :user {:aliases {"clj-new" ["with-profiles" "+clj-1.11,+clj-new"
                             "run" "-m" "babashka.cli.exec"
                             {:exec-args {:env {:description "My project"}}
                              :coerce {:verbose :long
                                       :args []}
                              :alias {:f :force}}

After that you can use lein clj-new app to create a new app:

$ lein clj-new app --name foobar/baz --verbose 3 -f


Copyright © 2022 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.