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MicroK8s cluster agent

This repository contains the code of the cluster agent service used in MicroK8s.

Development Environment

The microk8s cluster agent requires Go. Install Go with:

sudo snap install go --classic

Run all tests with:

make go.fmt go.lint go.test go.staticcheck


make cluster-agent
./cluster-agent --help

Testing with live MicroK8s instance

MicroK8s running on local machine

cd cluster-agent
sudo snap download microk8s --basename=microk8s
sudo unsquashfs ./microk8s.snap
sudo chown -R 1000: squashfs-root
sudo sed 's,$SNAP/bin/cluster-agent,go run '"$PWD"',' -i squashfs-root/run-cluster-agent-with-args

# development iteration
sudo snap restart microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent

MicroK8s running on remote machine

export [email protected]

ssh $HOST '
    sudo snap download microk8s --basename=microk8s
    sudo unsquashfs microk8s.snap
    sudo chown -R 1000: squashfs-root
    sudo snap try ./squashfs-root

# development iteration
go build .
ssh $HOST 'sudo snap stop microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent'
scp ./microk8s-cluster-agent $HOST:squashfs-root/bin/cluster-agent
ssh $HOST 'sudo snap start microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent'