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Important: You are browsing the documentation of Geocoder 3.x. Documentation for version 2.x is available here: Geocoder 2.x documentation.

Geocoder is a PHP library which helps you build geo-aware applications by providing a powerful abstraction layer for geocoding manipulations.


The recommended way to install Geocoder is through Composer:

$ composer require willdurand/geocoder


Geocoder and its companion Geocoder Extra provides a lot of providers.

Choose the one that fits your need first. Let's say the GoogleMaps one is what you were looking for, so let's see how to use it. In the code snippet below, curl has been choosen as HTTP layer but it is up to you since each HTTP-based provider implements PSR-7.

$curl     = new \Ivory\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter();
$geocoder = new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps($curl);


The Geocoder interface, which all providers implement, exposes two main methods:

  • geocode($streetOrIpAddress)
  • reverse($latitude, $longitude)

It also contains methods to control the number of results:

  • limit($limit)
  • getLimit()

Address & AddressCollection

Both geocode() and reverse() methods return a collection of Address objects (AddressCollection), each providing the following API:

  • getCoordinates() will return a Coordinates object (with latitude and longitude properties);
  • getLatitude() will return the latitude value;
  • getLongitude() will return the longitude value;
  • getBounds() will return an Bounds object (with south, west, north and east properties);
  • getStreetNumber() will return the street number/house number value;
  • getStreetName() will return the street name value;
  • getLocality() will return the locality or city;
  • getPostalCode() will return the postalCode or zipcode;
  • getSubLocality() will return the city district, or sublocality;
  • getAdminLevels() will return an ordered collection (AdminLevelCollection) of AdminLevel object (with level, name and code properties);
  • getCountry() will return a Country object (with name and code properties);
  • getCountryCode() will return the ISO country code;
  • getTimezone() will return the timezone.

The AddressCollection exposes the following methods:

  • count() (this class implements Countable);
  • first() retrieves the first Address;
  • slice($offset, $length = null) returns Address objects between $offset and length;
  • get($index) fetches an Address using its $index;
  • all() returns all Address objects;
  • getIterator() (this class implements IteratorAggregate).

The ProviderAggregator

The ProviderAggregator is used to register several providers so that you can decide which provider to use later on.


$geocoder = new \Geocoder\ProviderAggregator();

    new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps(
        $adapter, $locale, $region, $useSsl
    new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMapsBusiness(
        $adapter, '<CLIENT_ID>', '<PRIVATE_KEY>', $locale, $region, $useSsl
    new \Geocoder\Provider\Yandex(
        $adapter, $locale, $toponym
    new \Geocoder\Provider\MaxMind(
        $adapter, '<MAXMIND_API_KEY>', $service, $useSsl
    new \Geocoder\Provider\ArcGISOnline(
        $adapter, $sourceCountry, $useSsl

    new \Geocoder\Provider\Nominatim(
        $adapter, 'http://your.nominatim.server', $locale


    ->reverse($lat, $lng);

The ProviderAggregator's API is fluent, meaning you can write:


$addresses = $geocoder
    ->registerProvider(new \My\Provider\Custom($adapter))

The using() method allows you to choose the provider to use by its name. When you deal with multiple providers, you may want to choose one of them. The default behavior is to use the first one but it can be annoying.

The limit() method allows you to configure the maximum number of results being returned. Depending on the provider you may not get as many results as expected, it is a maximum limit, not the expected number of results.


The TimedGeocoder class profiles each geocode and reverse call. So you can easily figure out how many time/memory was spent for each geocoder/reverse call.

// configure you geocoder object

$stopwatch = new \Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch();
$geocoder = new \Geocoder\TimedGeocoder($geocoder, $stopwatch);

$geocoder->geocode('Paris, France');

// Now you can debug your application

We use the symfony/stopwatch component under the hood. Which means, if you use the Symfony framework the geocoder calls will appear in your timeline section in the Web Profiler.

HTTP Adapters

In order to talk to geocoding APIs, you need HTTP adapters. While it was part of the library in Geocoder 1.x and 2.x, Geocoder 3.x and upper now relies on the PSR-7 Standard which defines how HTTP message should be implemented. Choose any library that follows this PSR and implement the specified interfaces to use with Geocoder.

As making choices is rather hard, Geocoder ships with the egeloen/http-adapter library by default, but it is up to you to choose a different implementation.

Note: not all providers are HTTP-based.


Providers perform the geocoding black magic for you (talking to the APIs, fetching results, dealing with errors, etc.) an are highly configurable.

Address-based Providers

Provider Name Reverse? SSL? Coverage Multiple? Terms
ArcGIS Online arcgis_online yes supported worldwide yes requires API key. 1250 requests free
Bing Maps bing_maps yes no worldwide yes requires API key. Limit 10,000 requests per month
Chain chain meta provider which iterates over a list of providers
Geonames geonames yes no worldwide yes requires registration, no free tier
Google Maps google_maps yes supported worldwide yes requires API key. Limit 2500 requests per day
Google Maps for Business google_maps_business yes supported worldwide yes requires API key. Limit 100,000 requests per day
MapQuest map_quest yes no worldwide yes both open and commercial service require API key
Nominatim nominatim yes supported worldwide yes requires a domain name (e.g. local installation)
OpenCage opencage yes supported worldwide yes requires API key. 2500 requests/day free
OpenStreetMap openstreetmap yes no worldwide yes heavy users (>1q/s) get banned
TomTom tomtom yes required worldwide yes requires API key. First 2500 requests or 30 days free
Yandex yandex yes no worldwide yes

Below, you will find more information for these providers.


It is possible to specify a sourceCountry to restrict result to this specific country thus reducing request time (note that this doesn't work on reverse geocoding).


It requires either the database file, or the webservice - represented by the GeoIP2 , which is injected to the GeoIP2Adapter. The geoip2/geoip2 package must be installed.

This provider will only work with the corresponding GeoIP2Adapter:


// Maxmind GeoIP2 Provider: e.g. the database reader
$reader   = new \GeoIp2\Database\Reader('/path/to/database');

$adapter  = new \Geocoder\Adapter\GeoIP2Adapter($reader);
$geocoder = new \Geocoder\Provider\GeoIP2($adapter);

$address   = $geocoder->geocode('')->first();

Locale and/or region can be specified:

$geocoder = new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps(
    $useSsl, // true|false

A valid Client ID is required. The private key is optional. This provider also supports SSL, and extends the GoogleMaps provider.


This provider requires a data file, and the geoip/geoip package must be installed.

It is worth mentioning that this provider has serious performance issues, and should not be used in production. For more information, please read issue #301.


Access to a Nominatim server is required. See the Nominatim Wiki Page for more information.


The default langage-locale is en, you can choose between de, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt and sv.


The default language-locale is ru-RU, you can choose between uk-UA, be-BY, en-US, en-BR and tr-TR. This provider can also reverse information based on coordinates (latitude, longitude). It's possible to precise the toponym to get more accurate result for reverse geocoding: house, street, metro, district and locality.

IP-based Providers

Provider Name IPv4? IPv6? Multiple? Terms Notes
FreeGeoIp free_geo_ip yes yes no
GeoIPs geo_ips yes no no requires API key
GeoIP2 (Maxmind) maxmind_geoip2 yes yes no
GeoPlugin geo_plugin yes  yes no
HostIp host_ip yes no no
IpInfoDB ip_info_db yes no no requires API key city precision
Geoip geoip yes no no wrapper around the PHP extension which must be installed
MaxMind web service maxmind yes yes no requires Omni API key City/ISP/Org and Omni services, IPv6 on country level
MaxMind Binary file maxmind_binary yes no no needs locally installed database files

Important: the Geocoder Extra library contains even more official providers!

Locale Aware Providers

Providers that are locale aware expose the following methods:


$locale = $geocoder->getLocale();

The Chain Provider

The Chain provider is a special provider that takes a list of providers and iterates over this list to get information. Note that it stops its iteration when a provider returns a result. The result is returned by GoogleMaps because FreeGeoIp and HostIp cannot geocode street addresses. BingMaps is ignored.

$geocoder = new \Geocoder\ProviderAggregator();
$adapter  = new \Ivory\HttpAdapter\CurlHttpAdapter();

$chain = new \Geocoder\Provider\Chain([
    new \Geocoder\Provider\FreeGeoIp($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\HostIp($adapter),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps($adapter, 'fr_FR', 'France', true),
    new \Geocoder\Provider\BingMaps($adapter, '<API_KEY>'),
    // ...


try {
    $geocode = $geocoder->geocode('10 rue Gambetta, Paris, France');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Everything is ok, enjoy!


Geocoder provides dumpers that aim to transform an Address object in standard formats.

GPS eXchange Format (GPX)

The GPS eXchange format is designed to share geolocated data like point of interests, tracks, ways, but also coordinates. Geocoder provides a dumper to convert an Address object in an GPX compliant format.

Assuming we got a $address object as seen previously:


$dumper = new \Geocoder\Dumper\Gpx();
$strGpx = $dumper->dump($address);

echo $strGpx;

It will display:

    creator="Geocoder" version="1.0.1-dev"
    <bounds minlat="2.388911" minlon="48.863151" maxlat="2.388911" maxlon="48.863151"/>
    <wpt lat="48.8631507" lon="2.3889114">


GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.

Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

Keyhole Markup Language is an XML notation for expressing geographic annotation and visualization within Internet-based, two-dimensional maps and three-dimensional Earth browsers.

Well-Known Binary (WKB)

The Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation for geometric values is defined by the OpenGIS specification.

Well-Known Text (WKT)

Well-known text (WKT) is a text markup language for representing vector geometry objects on a map, spatial reference systems of spatial objects and transformations between spatial reference systems.


A common use case is to print geocoded data. Thanks to the StringFormatter class, it's simple to format an Address object as a string:


// $address is an instance of Address
$formatter = new \Geocoder\Formatter\StringFormatter();

$formatter->format($address, '%S %n, %z %L');
// 'Badenerstrasse 120, 8001 Zuerich'

$formatter->format($address, '<p>%S %n, %z %L</p>');
// '<p>Badenerstrasse 120, 8001 Zuerich</p>'

Here is the mapping:

  • Street Number: %n

  • Street Name: %S

  • City: %L

  • City District: %D

  • Zipcode: %z

  • Admin Level Name: %A1, %A2, %A3, %A4, %A5

  • Admin Level Code: %a1, %a2, %a3, %a4, %a5

  • Country: %C

  • Country Code: %c

  • Timezone: %T

Extending Things

You can write your own provider by implementing the Provider interface.

You can provide your own dumper by implementing the Dumper interface.


Geocoder follows Semantic Versioning.

End Of Life

As of December 2014, branch 1.7 is not officially supported anymore, meaning major version 1 reached end of life. Last version is: 1.7.1. This branch did not receive any new fixes over the last year, and all plugins/modules require Geocoder ~2.0.

Stable Version

Stable version 2.0.0 has been released on July 2013, and it is the only known stable major version. Branch 2.x is used to contribute bug and/or security fixes, and that is the one you should use in order to contribute.

Latest version is: 2.8.1.

Important: as of December 2014, this version is in a feature freeze state. All new features should be contributed to (upcoming) version 3.0.

Important: version 2.0.0 does not have any EOL date scheduled yet.

Next Version

Version 3.0.0 is the next major version of Geocoder. You can take a look at the master branch in order to follow its development. That is also why it is a bad idea to require dev-master into your composer.json file.

Branch 2.x is merged into master time to time, so that all bug/security fixes contributed to the current stable version will also appear in the next version.



Unit Tests

In order to run the test suite, install the developement dependencies:

$ composer install --dev

Then, run the following command:

$ phpunit

You'll obtain some skipped unit tests due to the need of API keys.

Rename the phpunit.xml.dist file to phpunit.xml, then uncomment the following lines and add your own API keys:

    <!-- <server name="IPINFODB_API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="BINGMAPS_API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="GEOIPS_API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="MAXMIND_API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="GEONAMES_USERNAME" value="YOUR_USERNAME" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="TOMTOM_MAP_KEY" value="YOUR_MAP_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="GOOGLE_GEOCODING_KEY" value="YOUR_GEOCODING_KEY" /> -->
    <!-- <server name="OPENCAGE_API_KEY" value="YOUR_API_KEY" /> -->

You're done.


Contributor Code of Conduct

As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.

We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, age, or religion.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment, insults, or other unprofessional conduct.

Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed from the project team.

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.0.0, available at


Geocoder is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


The most featured Geocoder library written in PHP.







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