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TwitchRB is the easiest and most complete Ruby library for the Twitch Helix API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "twitchrb"


Set Client Details

Firstly you'll need to set a Client ID and an Access Token.

An access token is required because the Helix API requires authentication.

@client = "abc123", access_token: "xyz123")


The gem maps as closely as we can to the Twitch API so you can easily convert API examples to gem code.

Responses are created as objects like Twitch::Channel. Having types like Twitch::User is handy for understanding what type of object you're working with. They're built using OpenStruct so you can easily access data in a Ruby-ish way.


Some of the endpoints return pages of results. The result object will have a data key to access the results, as well as metadata like cursor for retrieving the next and previous pages. This can be used by using before and after parameters, on API endpoints that support it.

An example of using collections, including pagination:

results = @client.clips.list(broadcaster_id: 123)
#=> Twitch::Collection
#=> 30
#=> [#<Twitch::Clip>, #<Twitch::Clip>]

results.each do |result|

#=> #<Twitch::Clip>

#=> #<Twitch::Clip>

#=> "abc123"

# Retrieve the next page
@client.clips.list(broadcaster_id: 123, after: results.cursor)
#=> Twitch::Collection


This library includes the ability to create, refresh and revoke OAuth tokens.

# Firstly, set the client details
@oauth = "", client_secret: "")

# Create a Token
# grant_type can be either "authorization_code" or "client_credentials"
# scope is a space-delimited list of scopes. This is optional depending on the grant_type
@oauth.create(grant_type: "", scope: "")

# Refresh a Token
@oauth.refresh(refresh_token: "")

# Device Code Grant Flow
# scopes is required and is a space-delimited list of scopes
@oauth.device(scopes: "bits:read channel:read:subscriptions")

# Validate an Access Token
# Returns false if the token is invalid
@oauth.validate(token: "")

# Revoke a Token
@oauth.revoke(token: "")


# Retrieves a user by their ID
@client.users.retrieve(id: 141981764)

# Retrieves multiple users by their IDs
# Requires an array of IDs
@client.users.retrieve(ids: [141981764, 72938118])

# Retrieves a user by their username
@client.users.retrieve(username: "twitchdev")

# Retrieves multiple users by their usernames
# Requires an array of IDs
@client.users.retrieve(usernames: ["twitchdev", "deanpcmad"])

# Update the currently authenticated user's description
# Required scope: user:edit
@client.users.update(description: "New Description")

# Returns Blocked users for a broadcaster
# Required scope: user:read:blocked_users
@client.users.blocks(broadcaster_id: 141981764)

# Blocks a user
# Required scope: user:manage:blocked_users
@client.users.block_user(target_user_id: 141981764)

# Unblocks a user
# Required scope: user:manage:blocked_users
@client.users.unblock_user(target_user_id: 141981764)

# Get a User's Chat Color
@client.users.get_color(user_id: 123)

# Or get multiple users' chat colors
# Returns a collection
@client.users.get_color(user_ids: "123,321")

# Update a User's Chat Color
# Requires user:manage:chat_color
# user_id must be the currently authenticated user
# Current allowed colours: blue, blue_violet, cadet_blue, chocolate, coral, dodger_blue, firebrick, golden_rod, green, hot_pink, orange_red, red, sea_green, spring_green, yellow_green
# For Turbo and Prime users, a hex colour code is allowed.
@client.users.update_color(user_id: 123, color: "blue")

# Get Emotes a User has
# Required scope: user:read:emotes
@client.users.emotes(user_id: 123)
@client.users.emotes(user_id: 123, broadcaster_id: 321)
@client.users.emotes(user_id: 123, after: "abc123")


# Retrieve a channel by their ID
@client.channels.retrieve(id: 141981764)

# Retrieve a list of broadcasters a specified user follows
# user_id must match the currently authenticated user
# Required scope: user:read:follows
@client.channels.followed user_id: 123123

# Retrieve a list of users that follow a specified broadcaster
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user or
# a moderator of the specified broadcaster
# Required scope: moderator:read:followers
@client.channels.followers broadcaster_id: 123123

# Retrieve the number of Followers a broadcaster has
@client.channels.follows_count(broadcaster_id: 141981764)

# Retrieve the number of Subscribers and Subscriber Points a broadcaster has
# Required scope: channel:read:subscriptions
@client.channels.subscribers_count(broadcaster_id: 141981764)

# Update the currently authenticated channel details
# Required scope: channel:manage:broadcast
# Parameters which are allowed: game_id, title, broadcaster_language, delay
attributes = {title: "My new title"}
@client.channels.update(broadcaster_id: 141981764, attributes)

# Retrieves editors for a channel
@client.channels.editors(broadcaster_id: 141981764)


# Retrieves a list of videos
# Available parameters: user_id or game_id
@client.videos.list(user_id: 12345)
@client.videos.list(game_id: 12345)

# Retrieves a video by its ID
@client.videos.retrieve(id: 12345)


# Retrieves a list of clips
# Available parameters: broadcaster_id or game_id
@client.clips.list(user_id: 12345)
@client.clips.list(game_id: 12345)

# Retrieves a clip by its ID.
# Clip IDs are alphanumeric. e.g. AwkwardHelplessSalamanderSwiftRage
@client.clips.retrieve(id: "AwkwardHelplessSalamanderSwiftRage")

# Create a clip of a given Channel
# Required scope: clips:edit
@client.clips.create(broadcaster_id: 1234)


# Retrieve all global emotes

# Retrieve emotes for a channel 141981764)

# Retrieve emotes for an emote set
@client.emotes.sets(emote_set_id: 301590448)


# Retrieve all global badges

# Retrieve badges for a channel 141981764)


# Retrieves a game by ID 514974)

# Retrieves multiple games by IDs
# Requires an array of IDs [66402, 514974])

# Retrieves a game by name "Battlefield 4")

# Retrieves multiple games by names
# Requires an array of IDs ["Battlefield 4", "Battlefield 2042"])

EventSub Subscriptions

These require an application OAuth access token.

# Retrieves a list of EventSub Subscriptions
# Available parameters: status, type, after
@client.eventsub_subscriptions.list(status: "enabled")
@client.eventsub_subscriptions.list(type: "channel.follow")

# Create an EventSub Subscription
  type: "channel.follow",
  version: 1,
  condition: {broadcaster_user_id: 123},
  transport: {method: "webhook", callback: "webhook_url", secret: "secret"}

# Delete an EventSub Subscription
# IDs are UUIDs
@client.eventsub_subscriptions.delete(id: "abc12-abc12-abc12")

Banned Events

# Retrieves all ban and un-ban events for a channel
# Available parameters: user_id
@client.banned_events.list(broadcaster_id: 123)

Banned Users

# Retrieves all banned and timed-out users for a channel
# Available parameters: user_id
@client.banned_users.list(broadcaster_id: 123)
# Ban/Timeout a user from a broadcaster's channel
# Required scope: moderator:manage:banned_users
# A reason is required
# To time a user out, a duration is required. If no duration is set, the user will be banned.
@client.banned_users.create broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321, user_id: 112233, reason: "testing", duration: 60
# Unban/untimeout a user from a broadcaster's channel
# Required scope: moderator:manage:banned_users
@client.banned_users.delete broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321, user_id: 112233

Send Chat Announcement

# Sends an announcement to the broadcaster's chat room
# Requires moderator:manage:announcements
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
# color can be either blue, green, orange, purple, primary. If left blank, primary is default
@client.announcements.create broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123, message: "test message", color: "purple"

Create a Shoutout

# Creates a Shoutout for a broadcaster
# Requires moderator:manage:shoutouts
# From: the ID of the Broadcaster creating the Shoutout
# To: the ID of the Broadcaster the Shoutout will be for
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.shoutouts.create from: 123, to: 321, moderator_id: 123


# List all channels a user has moderator privileges on
# Required scope: user:read:moderated_channels
# user_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.moderators.channels user_id: 123
# List all moderators for a broadcaster
# Required scope: moderation:read
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.moderators.list broadcaster_id: 123
# Add a Moderator
# Required scope: channel:manage:moderators
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.moderators.create broadcaster_id: 123, user_id: 321
# Remove a Moderator
# Required scope: channel:manage:moderators
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.moderators.delete broadcaster_id: 123, user_id: 321


# List all VIPs for a broadcaster
# Required scope: channel:read:vips or channel:manage:vips
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.vips.list broadcaster_id: 123
# Add a VIP
# Required scope: channel:manage:vips
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.vips.create broadcaster_id: 123, user_id: 321
# Remove a VIP
# Required scope: channel:manage:vips
# broadcaster_id must be the currently authenticated user
@client.vips.delete broadcaster_id: 123, user_id: 321


# Starts a raid
# Requires channel:manage:raids
# from_broadcaster_id must be the authenticated user
@client.raids.create from_broadcaster_id: 123, to_broadcaster_id: 321
# Requires channel:manage:raids
# broadcaster_id must be the authenticated user
@client.raids.delete broadcaster_id: 123

Chat Messages

# Send a chat message to a broadcaster's chat room
# Requires an app or user access token that includes user:write:chat then either user:bot or channel:bot
# sender_id must be the currently authenticated user
# reply_to is optional and is the UUID of the message to reply to
@client.chat_messages.create broadcaster_id: 123, sender_id: 321, message: "A test message", reply_to: "aabbcc"

# Removes a single chat message from the broadcaster's chat room
# Requires moderator:manage:chat_messages
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.chat_messages.delete broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123, message_id: "abc123-abc123"


# Send a Whisper
# Required scope: user:manage:whispers
# from_user_id must be the currently authenticated user's ID and have a verified phone number
@client.whispers.create from_user_id: 123, to_user_id: 321, message: "this is a test"


# Check if a message meets the channel's AutoMod requirements
# Required scope: moderation:read
# id is a developer-generated identifier for mapping messages to results.
@client.automod.check_status_multiple broadcaster_id: 123, id: "abc123", text: "Is this message allowed?"

#> #<Twitch::AutomodStatus msg_id="abc123", is_permitted=true>
# Check if multiple messages meet the channel's AutoMod requirements
# messages must be an array of hashes and must include msg_id and msg_text
# Returns a collection
messages = [{msg_id: "abc1", msg_text: "is this allowed?"}, {msg_id: "abc2", msg_text: "What about this?"}]
@client.automod.check_status_multiple broadcaster_id: 123, messages: messages
# Get AutoMod settings
# Required scope: moderator:read:automod_settings
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.automod.settings broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321
# Update AutoMod settings
# Required scope: moderator:manage:automod_settings
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
# As this is a PUT method, it overwrites all options so all fields you want set should be supplied
@client.automod.update_settings broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321, swearing: 1

Creator Goals

# List all active creator goals
# Required scope: channel:read:goals
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.goals.list broadcaster_id: 123

Blocked Terms

# List all blocked terms
# Required scope: moderator:read:blocked_terms
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.blocked_terms.list broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321
# Create a blocked term
# Required scope: moderator:manage:blocked_terms
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.blocked_terms.create broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321, text: "term to block"
# Delete a blocked term
# Required scope: moderator:manage:blocked_terms
# moderator_id can be either the currently authenticated moderator or the broadcaster
@client.blocked_terms.delete broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 321, id: "abc12-12abc"

Charity Campaigns

# Gets information about the charity campaign that a broadcaster is running
# Required scope: channel:read:charity
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.charity_campaigns.list broadcaster_id: 123


# Gets the list of users that are connected to the specified broadcaster’s chat session
# Required scope: moderator:read:chatters
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.chatters.list broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123

Channel Points Custom Rewards

# Gets a list of custom rewards for a specific channel
# Required scope: channel:read:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.custom_rewards.list broadcaster_id: 123

# Create a custom reward
# Required scope: channel:manage:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.custom_rewards.create broadcaster_id: 123, title: "New Reward", cost: 1000

# Update a custom reward
# Required scope: channel:manage:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.custom_rewards.update broadcaster_id: 123, reward_id: 321, title: "Updated Reward"

# Delete a custom reward
# Required scope: channel:manage:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.custom_rewards.delete broadcaster_id: 123, reward_id: 321

Channel Points Custom Reward Redemptions

# Gets a list of custom reward redemptions for a specific channel
# Required scope: channel:read:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.custom_reward_redemptions.list broadcaster_id: 123, reward_id: 321, status: "UNFULFILLED"

# Update a custom reward redemption status
# Required scope: channel:manage:redemptions
# broadcaster_id must match the currently authenticated user
# Status can be FULFILLED or CANCELED
@client.custom_reward_redemptions.update broadcaster_id: 123, reward_id: 321, redemption_id: 123, status: "FULFILLED"

Unban Requests

# Retrieves a list of Unban Requests for a broadcaster
# Required scope: moderator:read:unban_requests or moderator:manage:unban_requests
# moderator_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.unban_requests.list broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123, status: "pending"

# Resolve an Unban Request
# Required scope: moderator:manage:unban_requests
# moderator_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.unban_requests.resolve broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123, id: "abc123", status: "approved"


# Sends a warning to a user
# Required scope: moderator:manage:warnings
# moderator_id must match the currently authenticated user
@client.warnings.create broadcaster_id: 123, moderator_id: 123, user_id: 321, reason: "dont do that"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.