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A simple router wrapping go's router without nonsense


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go-router Documentation

go-router is a lightweight, flexible, and idiomatic HTTP router for Go web applications. It leverages Go's standard net/http package and the latest routing enhancements in Go 1.22 to provide powerful routing capabilities without external dependencies.


  • Method-Based Routing: Easily define routes for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods.
  • Route Grouping: Organize routes under common base paths using groups.
  • Middleware Support: Apply middleware functions globally or per group.
  • Custom Status Handlers: Set custom handlers for any possible status code.
  • Trailing Slash Handling: Configure automatic redirection of trailing slashes.
  • Static File Serving: Serve static files and directories seamlessly.
  • Built on Standard Library: Utilizes Go's net/http package, ensuring performance and reliability.
  • No External Dependencies: Keeps your application lightweight and maintainable.


Ensure you have Go 1.22 or later installed to leverage the latest routing enhancements.

To install go-router, run:

go get

Package Contents



The Router struct is the core of the package, providing methods to define routes, apply middleware, and configure routing behavior. Fields

  • *mux http.ServeMux: The underlying HTTP request multiplexer.
  • basePath string: The base path for the router, used in route grouping.
  • redirectTrailingSlash bool: Determines whether to redirect trailing slashes to their non-trailing counterparts.
  • middlewares []Middleware: A slice of middleware functions applied to the router.
  • notFoundHandler http.HandlerFunc: Custom handler for 404 Not Found responses.
  • methodNotAllowedHandler http.HandlerFunc: Custom handler for 405 Method Not Allowed responses.


type Middleware func(http.Handler) http.Handler

Represents a middleware function that wraps an http.Handler to perform actions before or after the handler executes.


New(ht *http.ServeMux) *Router

Creates a new Router instance using the provided http.ServeMux.

NewDefault() *Router

Creates a new Router instance with a default http.ServeMux.


Route Definition Methods

Define routes for specific HTTP methods.

  • (*Router) Get(pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)
  • (*Router) Post(pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)
  • (*Router) Put(pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)
  • (*Router) Patch(pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)
  • (*Router) Delete(pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)


  • pattern string: The URL pattern for the route. Patterns can include placeholders like {id}. A pattern that ends in “/” matches all paths that have it as a prefix, as always. To match the exact pattern including the trailing slash, end it with {$}, as in /exact/match/{$}.
  • handler http.HandlerFunc: The function to handle requests matching the pattern and method.

Grouping Routes

(*Router) Group(basePath string, fn func(*Router))

Organize routes under a common base path.


  • basePath string: The base path for the group.
  • fn func(*Router): A function that receives a sub-router for defining grouped routes.


(*Router) Use(middleware Middleware)

Apply middleware functions to the router.


  • middleware Middleware: A middleware function to be applied.

Custom Handlers

  • (*Router) HandleStatus(http.StatusCode, handler http.HandlerFunc): Set a custom handler for any status code.


handler http.HandlerFunc: The function to handle the specific response.

Trailing Slash Handling

(*Router) RedirectTrailingSlash(redirect bool)

Configure automatic redirection of trailing slashes.


  • redirect bool: If true, requests with trailing slashes are redirected to their non-trailing counterparts.

Serving Static Files

  • (*Router) ServeFiles(pattern string, fs http.FileSystem): Serve static files from a directory.
  • (*Router) ServeFile(pattern string, filepath string): Serve a single static file.


  • pattern string: The URL pattern under which the files are served.
  • fs http.FileSystem: The file system to serve files from.
  • filepath string: The path to the file to be served.

HTTP Handling

(*Router) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

Implements the http.Handler interface, allowing the router to serve HTTP requests.

Internal Methods

handle(method, pattern string, handler http.HandlerFunc)

An internal method used to register handlers for specific HTTP methods and patterns.


  • method string: The HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST).
  • pattern string: The URL pattern.
  • handler http.HandlerFunc: The handler function.

Configuration Variables

  • DefaultRedirectTrailingSlash bool: The default setting for trailing slash redirection (default is true).

Usage Guidelines

Defining Routes

Use the provided methods to define routes for specific HTTP methods. Patterns can include placeholders for path parameters.

r.Get("/users/{id}", userHandler)

Grouping Routes

Group related routes under a common base path using the Group method.

r.Group("/api", func(api *Router) {
   api.Get("/users", apiUsersHandler)
   api.Post("/users", apiCreateUserHandler)

Applying Middleware

Apply middleware functions globally or to specific route groups.

// Global middleware

// Middleware for a group
r.Group("/admin", func(admin *Router) {
admin.Get("/dashboard", adminDashboardHandler)

Custom Handlers for response

Set custom handlers to provide consistent error responses.

r.HandleStatus(http.StatusNotFound, notFoundHandler)
r.HandleStatus(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, methodNotAllowedHandler)

Trailing Slash Handling

Configure the router to automatically redirect trailing slashes.

r.RedirectTrailingSlash(true) // Enabled by default

Serving Static Files

Serve files from a directory or serve a single file.

// Serve files from the "./static" directory under "/static/"
fs := http.Dir("./static")
r.ServeFiles("/static/", fs)

// Serve a single file
r.ServeFile("/favicon.ico", "./static/favicon.ico")

Important Notes

  • Pattern Matching: Patterns not ending with a slash (/) are treated as exact matches, while patterns ending with a slash are treated as prefix matches.
  • Middleware Order: Middleware functions are applied in the order they are added, wrapping subsequent middleware and the final handler.
  • Custom Status Handling: The router uses intercepting response writers to capture status code responses from the underlying http.ServeMux and invoke custom handlers.
  • Trailing Slash Redirection: When enabled, requests with trailing slashes are redirected to the same path without the trailing slash.

Future Improvements

  • Error Handling Enhancements: Provide mechanisms for handling other HTTP status codes.


A simple router wrapping go's router without nonsense







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