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Useful VS Code Snippets

Visual Studio Code Snippets for daily use with Angular, Vue, Typescript and Javascript.

Use Extension

See the CHANGELOG for the latest changes.


Type part of a snippet, press enter and the snippet unfolds. Pressing space at anytime shows the description and preview of a snippet.

General Snippets

Snippet Description
import Import entire module: import Module from 'module'
import-no-name Import entire module without module name: import 'module'
import-all Import all as alias from module: import * as alias from 'module'
import-part Import only a specific part from a module: import { part } from 'module'
import-as Import only a specific part from a module with an alias: import { part as alias } from 'module'
clog Print a message to the console: console.log(message)
clogo Print object to the console: console.log('object': object)
cwarn Print warning to console: console.warn(message)
ccount Print occurrences to console: console.count(message)
cdir Print object represantation: console.dir(object)
cerror Print error: console.error(object)
ctable Print a collection as table: console.table(collection)

Typescript Snippets

Snippet Description
ts-class Class with Partial constructor assign

Angular Snippets

Snippet Description
ng-module Module
ng-module-with-routing Module with Routing (for child)
ng-service Service (provided in root)
ng-component Component (change detection on push)
ng-directive Directive
ng-guard Guard (can activate)
ng-interceptor Http Interceptor
ng-pipe Pipe
ng-route-404 404 Route
ng-route-default Default Route
ng-route-eager Eager loaded Route
ng-route-lazy Lazy loaded Route (with new import syntax)
ng-route-children Route with children
ng-output @Output event emitter

Vue 3 Snippets


Snippet Description
vue-sfc Vue Single File Component

Javascript / Typescript

Snippet Description
vue-import-component Import a component
vue-import-component-dynamic Import a lazy loaded component
vue-import-lib Import a library
vue-define-component Vue Typescript component
vue-test Unit test Single File Component
vue-prop Vue Composition API - prop
vue-ref Vue Composition API - ref
vue-reactive Vue Composition API - reactive
vue-computed Vue Composition API - computed
vue-watch Vue Composition API - watch() for single source
vue-watch-array Vue Composition API - watch() for array of sources
vue-watcheffect Vue Composition API - watchEffect()method
vue-life-onmounted Vue Composition API - onMounted() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onbeforemount Vue Composition API - onBeforeMount() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onbeforeupdate Vue Composition API - onBeforeUpdate() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onupdated Vue Composition API - onUpdated() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onerrorcaptured Vue Composition API - onErrorCaptured() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onbeforeunmount Vue Composition API - onBeforeUnmount() Lifecycle hook
vue-life-onunmounted Vue Composition API - onUnmounted() Lifecycle hook


Before these snippets started with only v-. New syntax starts with vue-.

Snippet Description
vue-html Bind HTML directly to an element with :html
vue-class Bind CSS class to an element with :class
vue-if Conditional statement
vue-if-else Conditional statement with else clause
vue-if-else-if Conditional statement with else-if and else clause
vue-show Displaying or hiding an element with v:show
vue-for Loop
vue-for-index Indexed loop
vue-for-object L
vue-for-range Loop over a range
vue-on Event Listener
vue-on-args Event Listener with arguments
vue-on-modified Event Listener with event modifier
vue-model Model
vue-model-number Model with type number

Vue 2 Snippets


Snippet Description
vue2-component Vue Class Component


Snippet Description
vue2-global-component Register a global component
vue2-router-class Router Class
vue2-route-default Default Route
vue2-route-eager Eager loaded Route
vue2-route-lazy Lazy loaded Route
vue2-route-children Route with children
vue2-component Component with vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator
vue2-store Dynamic Vuex Store
vue2-store-module Dynamic Vuex Store Module
vue2-model Interface and class with create and update functions

Typescript Class Component

All of them need a reference to vue-property-decorator.

Prior these snippets started with only v-. New syntax starts with vue2-class- as these are legacy snippets.

Snippet Description
vue2-component Generates a vue single class component
vue2-class-prop Property
vue2-class-prop-default Property with default value
vue2-class-prop-sync Reactive Property
vue2-class-prop-sync-default Reactive Property with default value
vue2-class-model Model
vue2-class-watch Watcher
vue2-class-watch-options Watcher with default options
vue2-class-emit Event Emitter - method name is used as $emit
vue2-class-emit-self Event Emitter - name is used as $emit
vue2-class-ref Reference to another component
vue2-class-ref-key Reference to another HTML element


If you want intellisense to show emmet before the snippets, you can force the emmet suggestions to show up at the top, by add the following to your editor user settings:

  "emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets": true,
  "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"