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Frequently Asked Questions

Pete Cheslock edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

  1. Is there a mapping checklist for configuring my Ruby application?
  2. Why aren't my AppMaps showing HTTP requests?
  3. Why are my AppMaps generating an incorrect data model view?
  4. How do I check that the AppMap dependencies are being loaded correctly?
  5. How can I map an application that doesn't have any unit tests?
  6. I've read through the FAQ and still haven't answered my question

Is there a mapping checklist for configuring my Ruby application?

Why aren't my AppMaps showing HTTP requests?

If this is a Ruby on Rails application, you're most likely missing the Railtie dependency. Remember, unlike the appmap dependency, we want this loaded after Rails has been loaded.

Why are my AppMaps generating an incorrect data model view?

Currently, AppMaps can only parse postgresql syntax. If you're using a supported database and this still occurs, check that the Railtie dependency has been included before running again.

How do I check that the AppMap dependencies are being loaded correctly?

An easy way to test this is to add some debugging statements. First, add the following to the top of lib/myProject.rb:

STDERR.puts +++ myProject.rb”
STDERR.puts Kernel.caller.join(\n)
STDERR.puts ===

Then at the top of lib/appmap.rb (bundle info --path appmap will tell you where it is installed), add the following:

STDERR.puts +++ appmap.rb”
STDERR.puts Kernel.caller.join(\n)
STDERR.puts ===

Kernel.caller.join(“\n”) will return the backtrace from the point where you put it. When you run bundle install you’ll be able to see the stack trace and confirm whether or not appmap.rb is being loaded before everything else. Don’t forget to remove them once you’re done!

How can I map an application that doesn't have any unit tests?

You can run a remote recording of your Rails project

I've read through the FAQ and still haven't answered my question

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