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A Javscript ORM / Active Record to work with angularjs and others. Easy to use and to understand.

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What is?

ModelCore is a very light and simple ActiveRecord and Data Mapper over REST ( with some nice features of course )

The reason i built it was to easily handle lots of data and "Models" from REST api that i already work nowadays. The lack of good tools in this area made me do this in a 24h programming day.


This is primary build to be used with AngularJS but will be soon ported to a framework free solution.

This is the very first version of this and was coded (at least until the first version) in 24h ( between understand some ECMAScript stuff, research and angular learn curve + this documentation ).

So be brave and use at your own risk!!!!! =)


First of all ( and of course ) you need to include it's javascript in your html

Please keep in mind the samples are for AngularJS. For more information please check their site

<script src="ModelCore.js"></script>

Then you need to setup your app to receive ModelCore

var ExampleApp = angular.module('ExampleApp', ['ModelCore']); //injecting ModelCore

ExampleApp.factory("Users",function(ModelCore) {
  return ModelCore.instance({
    $type : "Users", //Define the Object type
    $pkField : "idUser", //Define the Object primary key
    $settings : {
      urls : {
        base : "",
    $myCustomMethod : function(info) { //yes you can create and apply your own custom methods

And Then we setup our Controller to use our model ( in this case Users )

function MainCrtl($scope, Users) {
  //Setup a model to example a $find() call
  $scope.AllUsers = new Users();
  //Get All Users from the API
  $scope.AllUsers.$find().success(function() {
    var current;
    while(current = $scope.AllUsers.$fetch()) { //fetching on masters object
      console.log("Fetched Data into Master Object",$scope.AllUsers.$toObject()) //reading fetched from master
      //or just get the fetched object itself
      console.log("Real fetched Object",current.$toObject())

  //Setup a model to example a $get(id) call
  $scope.OneUser = new Users();
  //Hey look there are promises =)
  //Get the user with idUser 1 - look at $pkField
  $scope.OneUser.$get(1).success(function() {
    console.log("Done! One User found!",$scope.OneUser.$fetch());

And … that's all to be honest… =)

Now you have a Fully Functional model in your app… but HEY! Show me the magic!!!

Ok, you can see the sample's source code


This method help you to create a new instance… for now it's just used at angular factory but soon will be updated to work with pure javascript and than… we provide more info about that. For now… just trust me on this.


When you create the model using ModelCore.instance() you need to provide some basic settings and this are:


Urls define which url should be used in each REST Method case, example, if you want POST to have one url and GET to have another you just do this:

urls.base is a very important trick because if your REST server follows the correct specifications you only need one url to rule them all and base does that

ExampleApp.factory("Users",function(ModelCore) {
  return ModelCore.instance({
    $type : "Users",
    $pkField : "idUser",
    $settings : {
      urls : {
        base : "",
        post : "",
        get : ""
    $myCustomMethod : function(info) { //yes you can create and apply your own custom methods


This will setup your rest call headers

$settings : {
    headers : { 
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json'


This is a very special field that will define the container of your response data item(s), for example if your REST Server respond a JSON with an array of items in the field items then you should configure this like many : "items" and when you get a unique item it responds as content then you should setup like one : "content".

I'll give you a example to better explain the idea.

JSON Response from SERVER


//GET /api/users/1 HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json

"status": "OK",
        "idUser": "1",
        "fname": "Nome",
        "lname": "Admin",
        "uuid": "4f68f72080969"


//GET /api/users/ HTTP/1.1
//Content-Type: application/json

"status": "OK",
"items": [
        "idUser": "1",
        "fname": "Nome",
        "lname": "Admin",
        "uuid": "4f68f72080969"
        "idUser": "2",
        "fname": "Klederson",
        "lname": "Bueno",
        "uuid": "5192a8dfe289f"
dataField configuration

by the way this example is the default setting, so if it is like this, you dont need to do any setup

$settings : {
    dataField : { 
        one : "content",
        many : "items"

Common Methods & Attributes


Define the type of the ModelCore.instance() object to return.


Define the pkField that some automatic operations refer to


Perform a call to the server using "GET"


This method return a Promise so you can handle the calls:


You can also setup a query to complete your request such as filters or anything.

model.$find({ filter : "John" }); 
//of course your REST server should accept the query string ?filter=…
//this will generate a request like:

And of course you can increment your dataset by adding an optional parameter called incremental

model.$find({ filter : "John" },{},true); 
//this will increment your dataset instead of clean it and will join both previous and new data

Note that i used a empty object as parameter this is the options parameter to be used as a future implementation



This will retrieve a given id User. Of course your server must reply following some REST basic patterns such as:

GET /api/users/1 HTTP/1.1

Other important thing: this already performs model.$fetch() so is not needed to call twice

model.$get(1); //it also uses promises just like $find()

And you can onDemand change the "get" field just providing a second parameter with the model field name to use:


This case bellow your url MUST have the :otherId parameter otherwise will make no sense once it will not be applied anyway.


This will perform a POST (yes, for now we'll not add PUT as default save once we need to save and update automatically just like any ORM but in the future this will be configurable )


This operation uses model.$toObject() to understand the changes and once everything is saved it will update your model so the new data will replace the original even in the model so commands like model.$diff() or model.$isChanged() will reply empty and/or false.


model.$delete() //delete also return a Promise

Just like get you can add an id and also change onDemand the idField



This is a important stuff because anytime you need to instance a object you need to $fetch() that.


model.$find().success(function() {
	var returnedObject;
	console.log(model.$toObject()); //empty data just a master handler
	while(returnedObject = model.$fetch()) {
		console.log(returnedObject.$toObject()); //this are the child object
		console.log(model.$toObject()); //this are the master model object with child data

This is the man how makes model.$fetch() works


model.$find().success(function() {
	var returnedObject;
	console.log(model.$toObject()); //empty data just a master handler
	while(returnedObject = model.$next()) {
		console.log(returnedObject.$toObject()); //this are the child object
		console.log(model.$toObject()); //this are the master model object with child data


Same as model.$next() but to move the cursor back.

Auxiliar Methods


This returns a Boolean if is or not changed based on the original data ( the REQUEST momentum )

This is cool and can be combined to alert the user about unsaved changes.


And also you can check for only one field


Here is a practical sample in the html using AngularJS

<input ng-class="{unsaved: item.$isChanged('fname')}" ng-model="item.fname" />

That sample put in the input the class "unsaved" if the field "fname" is changed ( and will disappear once model.$save() is invoked and of course returns success )


Display the difference between the original data and the staged data and returns a Object with all ( and only ) changed fields

model.$diff(); //this will return something like { fname : "New data" }


Return a raw object with all STAGED ( not the original, not the saved, the STAGED/CURRENT ) data.


Will return something like as a Javascript Object

  idUser: "1",
  fname: "New Name",
  lname: "Admin",
  uuid: "4f68f72080969"


This cleanup the current model based on model.$mapping ( pre or post mapped )



var myModel = model.$reset()


This cleanup the current model and populate with given new one based on model.$mapping ( pre or post mapped )

model.$resetTo({idUser : 2, name : "Klederson"});


var myModel = model.$resetTo({idUser : 2, name : "Klederson"});


Return a raw object with all ORIGINAL data of the model even if there are changes.


Will return something like as a Javascript Object

  idUser: "1",
  fname: "Nome",
  lname: "Admin",
  uuid: "4f68f72080969"


This return the url to a given method and parameters (optional)

console.log( model.$url('get') )
console.log( model.$url('get',{ idUser : 1 }) )


This will return a new instance of that model type with optional built in data

var newModel = model.$new({ name : "Default Name" });

model.$getRelationship(name, query, options)

This is a nice and exciting feature that allows ModelCore works like a real javascript ORM. By mapping a field as a relationship with another ModelCore model you can simply call $getRelationship('name'); and have all the power of ModelCore inside the relationship

App.factory("Pictures",function(ModelCore) {
  return ModelCore.instance({
    $type : "Pictures", //Define the Object type
    $pkField : "id", //Define the Object primary key
    $mapping : {
        id : null,
        userId : null
    $settings : {
      urls : {
        base : "/api/pictures/:id"

App.factory("Address",function(ModelCore) {
  return ModelCore.instance({
    $type : "Address", //Define the Object type
    $pkField : "id", //Define the Object primary key
    $mapping : {
        id : null,
        userId : null
    $settings : {
      urls : {
        base : "/api/address/:id"

App.factory("Users",function(ModelCore, Address, Pictures) {
  return ModelCore.instance({
    $type : "Users", //Define the Object type
    $pkField : "idUser", //Define the Object primary key
    $mapping : {
        idUser : null,
        Address : Address,
        Pictures : Pictures
    $settings : {
      urls : {
        base : "/api/users/:idUser"
    $hasMany : {
        Posts : {
            userId : "idUser" //just like query but here you put what field will relate with Posts.userId in this case User.idUser

    $hasOne : {
        Address : {
            id : "id",
            field : "userId" //field to be searched on Address model ( Address.userId ) its like do a Address.$get("1","userId") but inside the relationship

And than you can do whatever you want with the relationships

function MainCrtl($scope, Users) { //note that we only need to inject Users model because the others are injected into the Model itself
    $scope.user = new Users();

    //One to Many relationship
    $scope.user.$getRelationship("Pictures").success(function() {
        for(i in $scope.user.Pictures.$dataset) {
            console.log( $scope.user.Pictures.$dataset[i])
    }).error(function(r) {

    //One to One relationship
    $scope.user.$getRelationship("Address").success(function() {
        console.log( $scope.user.Address)
    }).error(function(r) {

Really Deep Stuff


This is an array from the MASTER model that contains ALL the child models and of course each item is also a model of the same instance of that master.


For now this is automatic but in a VERY near future you will be able to setup and map your model and shape it as your will. More details later.

Thanks to

Well, the first version (until the first version of this document) was written as i said in 24 hours and was only possible because some folks:


Thank you for be so awesome that made me really want to use your features but also be so complex/bureaucratic, heavy and so "microsoft-ized" that i give up before 4h trying to understand and customize a simple model.

That make me realize that i needed to search more and more or even make my own solution


angular-activerecord (github project)

This is a very nice project and very simple, works well but missed lots of stuff… at the beginning i wanted to do a fork of this and than just improve but ModelCore in my head would be so different that maybe would have dismissed the goal of this very nice project.

Also this gave me the guidelines to start building and also to the ModelCore.instance() code.

Checkout the project at Github


  • Non-relational workflow ( it's almost but need more polish )
  • Pure Javascript (not dependent on AngularJS but fully compatible)
  • qUnit Tests =) (of course)
  • Offline data
  • Query like filters such as .where() .and() .or() ...
  • OAuth

Of course i accept suggestions


A Javscript ORM / Active Record to work with angularjs and others. Easy to use and to understand.






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