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🪦 Archived: this document is not maintained. This document was made jointly with micromark, which was later also turned into markdown-rs. At present, I don’t have the bandwidth to maintain 2 reference parsers and a spec.

Markdown 💛 JSX

This document is currently in progress. See also micromark, cmsm, and mdxjs.


1 Background

1.1 What is MDX?

MDX is the combination of Markdown with JSX. This document defines a syntax for MDX (without JavaScript, MDXjs does that) by describing how to parse it.

1.2 Who created MDX?

The idea of combining Markdown, JavaScript, and JSX was a collaborative effort by Guillermo Rauch (@rauchg), James K. Nelson (@jamesknelson), John Otander (@johno), Tim Neutkens (@timneutkens), Brent Jackson (@jxnblk), Jessica Stokes (@ticky), and more. Markdown was created by John Gruber (@gruber). CommonMark by John McFarlane et al. (@jgm) is a popular variant. JSX was created by Sebastian Markbåge et al. (@sebmarkbage) at Facebook, Inc.

1.3 Why MDX?

Markdown does not have a syntax for custom components. MDX solves this.

There are many languages objectively better than Markdown, however, Markdown is great because:

  • It looks like what it means and is relatively easy to read
  • Although images are confusing, most stuff is relatively simple to write
  • It’s loose and ambiguous: it may not work but you won’t get an error (great for someone posting a comment to a forum if they forgot an asterisk)

Markdown does have a way to extend it, HTML, but that has drawbacks:

  • HTML in Markdown is naïve, how it’s parsed sometimes doesn’t make sense
  • HTML is unsafe by default, so it’s sometimes (partially) unsupported
  • HTML and Markdown don’t mix well, resulting in confusing rules such as blank lines or markdown="1" attributes
  • HTML is coupled with browsers, Markdown is useful for other things too

The frontend world has an alternative to HTML: JSX. JSX is great, amongst other things, because:

  • It has a relatively familiar syntax (like XML)
  • It’s agnostic to semantics and intended for compilers (can have any domain-specific meaning)
  • It’s strict and unambiguous (great if an editor forgot a slash somewhere, as they’ll get an error early, instead of a book going to print with broken stuff in it)

2 Overview

This document first talks about the MDX syntax for authors, in the following section. Further sections define the syntax in-depth and for developers. The appendix includes sections on notable differences from Markdown and JSX, and a list of common MDX gotchas.


This section explains MDX for authors.

3.1 Hello World

The smallest MDX example looks like this:

# Hello, world!

It displays a heading saying “Hello, world!” on the page. With MDX you can add components:

<MyComponent># Hello, world!</MyComponent>

MDX syntax can be boiled down to being JSX in Markdown. It’s a superset of Markdown syntax that supports JSX.

3.2 Markdown

Traditionally, Markdown is used to generate HTML. Many developers like writing markup in Markdown as it often looks more like what’s intended and it is typically terser. Instead of the following HTML:

  <p>A block quote with <em>some</em> emphasis.</p>

You can write the equivalent in Markdown (or MDX) like so:

> A block quote with _some_ emphasis.

Markdown is good for content. MDX supports most standard Markdown syntax. It’s important to understand Markdown in order to learn MDX.

3.3 JSX

Recently, more and more developers have started using JSX to generate HTML markup. JSX is typically combined with a frontend framework like React or Vue. These frameworks add support for components, which let you change repeating things like the following markup:

<h2>Hello, Venus!</h2>
<h2>Hello, Mars!</h2>

…to JSX (or MDX) like this:

<Welcome name="Venus" />
<Welcome name="Mars" />

JSX is good for components. It makes repeating things more clear and allows for separation of concerns. MDX supports most standard JSX syntax.

3.4 MDX

MDX is the combination of Markdown and JSX, for example, like so:

<MyComponent>> Block quote</MyComponent>

  <!doctype html>

  # Heading<Footnote id="1" />

  - List
  - Items

  alt='Photo of Lilo sitting in a tiny box'

<also-component {attribute expression} />

<math value={attribute value expression} />

  block expression

The sum of `1 + 1` as calculated by an inline expression is {1 + 1}.

3.5 Syntax

The syntax of MDX within Markdown is formally defined by how to parse in § 4 Parsing and in further sections, relatively formally in § 7.1 Syntax), and informally by example here.

As MDX is not tied to HTML or JavaScript, the following examples do not show output examples in HTML, but instead show whether they are okay, or whether they crash.

For ease of reading, block elements will be capitalized, whereas span elements will be lowercase, in the following examples. But, casing does not affect parsing.

3.5.1 Block

A block of MDX is an element or expression that is both the first thing on its opening line, and the last thing on its closing line.

A self-closing block tag:

<Component />

The start and end can be on different lines:


An arbitrary number of lines can be between the start and end:



This also applies to elements with opening and closing tags:



Expressions can also be blocks:



Parent containers of components don’t count when figuring out if something is the first or last thing, such as in a block quote, a list, or in another block component:

> <Component />

- <Component />

  <Child />

3.5.2 Span

A span of MDX is an element or expression that is not a block: it’s either not the first thing, or the last thing, or both:

This span is preceded by other things: <component />

<component /> This span is followed by other things.

These rules also apply to expressions ({ such as this one }).

3.5.3 Content

An MDX block element can contain further Markdown blocks, whereas an MDX span element can contain further Markdown spans.

On a single line:

<Component>> Block quote</Component>

With generous whitespace:

> Block quote

With indentation:

  > Block quote

Spans cannot contain blocks:

<component>> this is not a block quote</component>, because it’s not in a block

Nor is this a <component># heading</component>

Blocks will create paragraphs:

<Component>**Strongly important paragraph in a component**.</Component>

This <component>**is strongly important text in a component**</component> in a

Which gets a bit confusing if you are expected HTML semantics (to MDX, elements don’t have semantics, so h2 has no special meaning):

<h2>And this is a paragraph in a heading!</h2>

MDX expressions can contain arbitrary data, with the exception that there must be a matching number opening braces (U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACE ({)) and closing braces (U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (})):

  This is a fine expression: no opening or closing braces

So is this: {{{}}}.

And this, an expression with extra closing braces after it: {}}}.

This example is incorrect, as there are not enough closing braces:


3.5.4 Closing MDX

MDX elements and expressions must be closed, and what closes them must be in an expected place:

This example is incorrect, an unclosed tag:


This example is incorrect, because the “closing” tag is in fenced code.



This example is incorrect, because the “closing” tag is outside of the block quote:

> <Component>


This example is incorrect, because the “closing” tag is not in the paragraph:

A span component <component>


This example is incorrect, because the “closing” tag is in a different paragraph:

<component>This is one paragraph, with an inline opening tag.

This is another paragraph, with an inline closing tag</component>.

The same rules apply to expressions:

{This is all fine…

…but because there is a dot after the closing brace, its not a block, which
results in two paragraphs, which means that the first paragraph has an unclosed

3.5.5 Attributes

MDX elements can have three types of attributes.

Attribute expressions:

<Component {attribute expression} />

Boolean attributes:

<Component boolean another />

Or initialized attributes, with a value.

<Component key="value" other="more" />

Attribute values can also use single quotes:

<Component quotes='single quotes: also known as apostrophes' />

Finally, attribute value expressions can be used with braces:

<Component data={attribute value expression} />

3.5.6 Names

Element names are optional, which is a feature called “fragments”:

<>Fragment block with a paragraph</>

A <>fragment span</> in a paragraph.

The syntax of the name of an element follows the syntax of variables in JavaScript, and dashes are also allowed (but not at the start):

This is fine: <π />.

Also fine: <a‌b /> (there’s a zero-width non-joiner in there).

Dashes are <c-d /> fine too!

Names can be prefixed with a namespace using a colon:

<svg:rect />

Similar to namespaces, dots can be used to access methods from objects:

<org.acme.example />

(Namespaces and methods cannot be combined).

3.5.7 Keys

Similar to names, keys of attributes also follow the same syntax as JavaScript variables, and dashes are also allowed:

This is all fine: <x π a‌b c-d />.

And namespaces can also be used:

This is all fine: <z xml:lang="de" />.

(Methods don’t work for keys).

3.5.8 Whitespace

Whitespace is mostly optional, except between two identifiers (such as the name and a key, or between two keys):

This is fine: <x/>.
Also fine: <x{attribute expression}/>.
Fine too: <v w=""x=''y z/>.

Most places accept whitespace:

A bit much, but sure: < w / >.
< x >Go ahead< / x >
< z do your = 'thing' >

4 Parsing

The states of the MDX state machine have certain effects, such as that they create tokens in the stack and consume characters. The purpose of the state machine is to tokenize. The stack is used by adapters.

The MDX adapter handles tokens, which has further effects, such as validating whether they are conforming and figuring out when parsing is done. The purpose of the adapter is to handle the results of the tokenizer.

To parse MDX is to feed the input character to the state of the state machine, and when not settled, repeat this step.

If parsing crashed with a label the content is nonsensical and the document cannot be processed. Without label, no MDX was found.

How MDX, whether it’s found or not, is handled is intentionally undefined and left up to the host parser. When to feed an EOF is similarly undefined.

Host parsers must not support indented code and autlinks, as those conflict with MDX.

4.1 Characters

A character is a Unicode code point and is represented as a four to six digit hexadecimal number, prefixed with U+ ([UNICODE]).

4.1.1 Character groups

Whitespace is any character defined as WhiteSpace ([JavaScript]).

Identifier start is any character defined as IdentifierStart, with the restriction that unicode escape sequences do not apply ([JavaScript]).

Identifier is any character defined as IdentifierPart, with the restriction that unicode escape sequences do not apply ([JavaScript]).

4.1.2 Conceptual characters

An EOF character is a conceptual character (as in, not real character) representing the lack of any further characters in the input.

4.2 Infra

The input stream consists of the characters pushed into it.

The input character is the first character in the input stream that has not been consumed. Initially, the input character is the first character in the input. Finally, when all character are consumed, the input character is an EOF.

The stack is a list of tokens that are open, initially empty. The current token is the last token in the stack.

The value of a token are all characters in the input stream from where the token was entered (including) to where it exited (excluding).

The element stack is a list of elements that are open, initially empty. The current element is the last element in the element stack.

Settled is used to signal when parsing is done, whether it was a success or not, and is initially off. Crashed is used to signal when parsing is unsuccessful, and is initially off.

The state is the way a character is handled.

A variable is declared with let, cleared with unset, or changed with set (to set a value), increment (to add a numeric value), decrement (to subtract a numeric value), append (to add a string value), push (to add a value to a list), or pop (to remove a value from the end of a list).

Which values are used are left to the host programming language, but this definition requires compatibility with [JSON] for primitives (strings, numbers, booleans, and null) and structured types (objects and arrays).

The shared space is an object. size, sizeOpen, currentAttribute, and currentTag are variables in the shared space. These variables are available globally to all states and adapters. Other variables are available locally to a state or adapter and not shared.

To dedent is to remove up to X initial U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT) or U+0020 SPACE (SP) characters from each non-initial line in the given value, where X is the minimum number of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT) or U+0020 SPACE (SP) characters of all non-initial lines that contain other characters.

To decode is to parse character references as defined in “Character reference state” of § 12.2 Parsing HTML documents ([HTML]).

4.3 Effects

The MDX state machine and MDX adapter have certain common effects.

4.3.1 Switch

To switch to a state is to wait for a character in the given state.

4.3.2 Consume

To consume the input character is to move on from it to the next character in the input stream.

4.3.3 Enter

To enter a token is to push a new token of the given type to the stack, making it the current token.

4.3.4 Exit

To exit is to pop the current token from the stack.

4.3.5 Done

Done is used to mark parsing as settled.

4.3.6 Crash

Crash is used to mark parsing as settled and crashed. When crashing with a given label, crashing causes a parse error.

5 State machine

The MDX state machine is used to tokenize MDX blocks and MDX spans. Blocks (also known as flow) make up the structure of the document (such as headings), whereas spans (also known as text or inline) make up the intra-paragraph parts of the flow (such as emphasis).

The initial state varies based on whether flow or text is parsed, and is respectively either Before MDX block state or Before MDX span state.

The final state is switched to by the MDX adapter, which right before completion will switch to either After MDX block state or After MDX span state.

5.1 Before MDX block state

5.2 Before MDX span state

5.3 After MDX block state

    U+0020 SPACE (SP)


  • EOF
    U+000A LINE FEED (LF)


  • Anything else


5.4 After MDX span state


5.5 Data state

5.6 Before name state

5.7 Before closing tag name state

5.8 Primary name state

5.9 After primary name state

5.10 Before member name state

5.11 Member name state

5.12 After member name state

5.13 Before local name state

5.14 Local name state

5.15 After local name state

5.16 Before attribute state

5.17 Attribute expression state

5.18 Attribute name state

5.19 After attribute name state

5.20 Before attribute local name state

5.21 Attribute local name state

5.22 After attribute local name state

5.23 Before attribute value state

5.24 Attribute value double quoted state

5.25 Attribute value single quoted state

5.26 Attribute value expression state

5.27 Self-closing state

5.28 Expression state

  • EOF

    Crash 'in attribute value expression'


    Increment size by 1 and consume


    If size is:

  • Anything else


5.29 Text state

5.30 Accent quoted open state

5.31 Accent quoted state

5.32 Accent quoted close state

5.33 Tilde quoted open state

5.34 Tilde quoted state

5.35 Tilde quoted close state

6 Adapter

The MDX adapter handles tokens from the MDX state machine, which has further effects, such as validating whether they are conforming and figuring out when parsing is done.

Adapters are defined to handle a token either when a token enters right before it’s pushed to the stack, or when a token exits right after it’s popped off the stack.

The adapters does not define how to construct a syntax tree, but does provide the essentials for that. Constructing syntax trees, whether abstract or concrete, is intentionally undefined.

6.1 Enter 'tag' adapter

  1. Let currentTag be a new object
  2. Let name of currentTag be null
  3. Let close of currentTag be false
  4. Let selfClosing of currentTag be false

6.2 Enter 'closingSlash' adapter

If there is no current element, crash 'before name' (note: a closing tag with no open elements)

6.3 Enter 'attributeExpression' adapter

If close of currentTag is true, crash 'on closing tag after name' (note: a closing tag with an attribute)

6.4 Enter 'attributeName' adapter

If close of currentTag is true, crash 'on closing tag after name' (note: a closing tag with an attribute)

6.5 Enter 'selfClosingSlash' adapter

If close of currentTag is true, crash 'on closing tag before tag end' (note: a self-closing closing tag)

6.6 Exit 'closingSlash' adapter

Let close of currentTag be true

6.7 Exit 'primaryName' adapter

Let name of currentTag be the value of current token

6.8 Exit 'memberName' adapter

Append U+002E DOT (.) and the value of current token to name of currentTag

6.9 Exit 'localName' adapter

Append U+003A COLON (:) and the value of current token to name of currentTag

6.10 Exit 'name' adapter

If close of currentTag is true and name of currentTag is not the same as name of current element, crash 'on closing tag after name' (note: mismatched tags)

6.11 Exit 'attributeName' adapter

  1. Let currentAttribute be a new object
  2. Let name of currentAttribute be the value of current token
  3. Let value of currentAttribute be null

6.12 Exit 'attributeLocalName' adapter

Append U+003A COLON (:) and the value of current token to name of currentAttribute

6.13 Exit 'attributeValue' adapter

Let value of currentAttribute be the decoded value, excluding its first and last characters, of current token

6.14 Exit 'attributeValueExpression' adapter

Let value of currentAttribute be the dedented value, excluding its first and last characters, of current token

6.15 Exit 'attributeExpression' adapter

  1. Let currentAttribute be a new object
  2. Let type of currentAttribute be 'mdxAttributeExpression'
  3. Let value of currentAttribute be the dedented value, excluding its first and last characters, of current token

6.16 Exit 'selfClosingSlash' adapter

Let selfClosing of currentTag be true

6.17 Exit 'tag' adapter

Note: if there is no current element, the input character is the start of the element’s content. If close of currentTag is true, and there is a single value in the element stack, the first character of the token is the end of the element’s content. The content should be parsed further by the host parser to find nested MDX constructs.

  1. If close of currentTag is true, pop the current element from the element stack
  2. Otherwise, if selfClosing of currentTag is false, push currentTag to the element stack

Finally, if there is no current element, switch to either After MDX block state or After MDX span state, based on whether flow or text is parsed.

6.18 Exit 'expression' adapter

Note: if there is no current element, the first character after the start of the token is the start of the expression’s content, and the last character before the end of the token is the end of the expression’s content. The content could be parsed by the host parser.

If there is no current element, switch to either After MDX block state or After MDX span state, based on whether flow or text is parsed.

7 Appendix

7.1 Syntax

The syntax of MDX is described in W3C Backus–Naur form with the following additions:

  1. A - B — matches any string that matches A but does not match B.
  2. 'string' — same as "string" but with single quotes.
  3. BREAK — lookahead match for a block break opportunity (either EOF, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR))

The syntax of MDX is defined as follows, however, do note that interleaving (mixing) of Markdown and MDX is defined elsewhere.

; Entries
mdxBlock ::= *spaceOrTab (element | expression) *spaceOrTab BREAK
mdxSpan ::= element | expression

element ::= selfClosing | closed
selfClosing ::=
  ; constraint: tag MUST be named, MUST NOT be closing, and MUST be self-closing
closed ::=
  ; constraint: tag MUST NOT be closing and MUST NOT be self-closing
  ; constraint: tag MUST be closing, MUST NOT be self-closing, MUST not have
  ; attributes, and either both tags MUST have the same name or both tags MUST
  ; be nameless

data ::= expression | element | tickQuoted | tildeQuoted | text

tag ::=
  '<' *1closing
  *1(*whitespace name *1attributesAfterIdentifier *1closing)
  *whitespace '>'

attributesAfterIdentifier ::=
  1*whitespace (attributesBoolean | attributesValue) |
  *whitespace attributesExpression |
attributesAfterValue ::=
  *whitespace (attributesBoolean | attributesExpression | attributesValue)
attributesBoolean ::= key *1attributesAfterIdentifier
attributesExpression ::= expression *1attributesAfterValue
attributesValue ::= key initializer *1attributesAfterValue

closing ::= *whitespace '/'

name ::= identifier *1(local | members)
key ::= identifier *1local
local ::= *whitespace ':' *whitespace identifier
members ::= member *member
member ::= *whitespace '.' *whitespace identifier

identifier ::= identifierStart *identifierPart
initializer ::= *whitespace '=' *whitespace value
value ::= doubleQuoted | singleQuoted | expression
expression ::= '{' *(expressionText | expression) '}'

tickQuoted ::=
  ; constraint: nested fence MUST NOT be the same size as the opening fence
  *(tickText | tickFence)
  ; constraint: closing fence MUST be the same size as the opening fence
tildeQuoted ::=
  ; constraint: nested fence MUST NOT be the same size as the opening fence
  *(tildeText | tildeFence)
  ; constraint: closing fence MUST be the same size as the opening fence
tickFence ::= 1*'`'
tildeFence ::= 1*'~'
doubleQuoted ::= '"' *doubleQuotedText '"'
singleQuoted ::= "'" *singleQuotedText "'"

spaceOrTab ::= " " | "\t"
text ::= character - '<' - '{' - '`' - '~'
whitespace ::= esWhitespace
doubleQuotedText ::= character - '"'
singleQuotedText ::= character - "'"
tickText ::= character - '`'
tildeText ::= character - '~'
expressionText ::= character - '{' - '}'
identifierStart ::= esIdentifierStart
identifierPart ::= esIdentifierPart | '-'

; Unicode
; Any unicode code point
character ::=

; ECMAScript
; See “IdentifierStart”: <>
esIdentifierStart ::=
; See “IdentifierPart”: <>
esIdentifierPart ::=
; See “Whitespace”: <>
esWhitespace ::=

7.2 Deviations from Markdown

MDX adds constructs to Markdown but also prohibits certain normal Markdown constructs.

7.2.1 HTML

Whether block or inline, HTML in Markdown is not supported.

Character data, processing instructions, declarations, and comments are not supported at all. Instead of HTML elements, use JSX elements.


# Hello, <span style=color:red>world</span>!
<!--To do: add message-->


# Hello, <span style='color:red'>world</span>!
<img />

7.2.2 Indented code

Indentation to create code blocks is not supported. Instead, use fenced code blocks.

The reason for this change is so that elements can be indented.





7.2.3 Autolinks

Autolinks are not supported. Instead, use links or references.

The reason for this change is because whether something is an element (whether HTML or JSX) or an autolink is ambiguous (Markdown normally treats <svg:rect>, <xml:lang/>, or <svg:circle{...props}> as links).


See <> for more information


See []( for more information.

7.2.4 Errors

Whereas all Markdown is valid, incorrect MDX will crash.

7.3 Deviations from JSX

MDX removes certain constructs from JSX, because JSX is typically mixed with JavaScript whereas MDX is usable without it.


JavaScript comments in JSX are not supported.


<hello// comment!



7.3.2 Element or fragment attribute values

JSX elements or JSX fragments as attribute values are not supported.

The reason for this change is that it would be confusing whether Markdown would work.


<welcome name=<>Venus</> />
<welcome name=<span>Pluto</span> />


<welcome name='Mars' />

7.3.3 U+003E GREATER THAN (>) and U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (}) are fine

JSX does not allow U+003E GREATER THAN (>) or U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (}) literally in text, they need to be encoded as character references. There is no good reason for this (some JSX parsers agree with us and don’t crash either). In Markdown, U+003E GREATER THAN (>) is used to start a block quote. Therefore, in MDX, U+003E GREATER THAN (>) and U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (}) are fine literally and don’t need to be encoded.

7.3.4 Expressions

JSX allows valid JavaScript inside expressions. We support anything in braces. Because JSX parses JavaScript, it knows when it sees a U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (}) whether it means the end of the expression, or if there is more JavaScript after it. As we don’t parse JavaScript, but do want to allow further braces in expressions, we count opening braces (U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACE ({)) and expect just as many closing braces (U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACE (})) in expressions.


    '{': false // Left curly brace


    '{': false, // Left curly brace
    '}': false // Right curly brace

7.4 Common MDX gotchas

Markdown first looks for blocks (such as a heading) and only later looks for spans (such as emphasis) in those blocks.

This becomes a problem typically in the two cases listed below. However, as MDX has parse errors, parsing will crash, and an error will be presented.

7.4.1 Blank lines in JSX spans


The plot for the movie was, <span>wait for it…

…that she didn’t die!</span>


The plot for the movie was, <span>wait for it…
…that she didn’t die!</span>

7.4.2 U+003E GREATER THAN (>) seen as block quote


Here’s a cute photo of my cat: <Image
  alt='Photo of Lilo sitting in a tiny box'


Here’s a cute photo of my cat: <Image alt='Photo of Lilo sitting in a tiny box' src='lilo.png' />

Or as a block (U+003E GREATER THAN (>) is fine in JSX blocks):

Here’s a cute photo of my cat:

  alt='Photo of Lilo sitting in a tiny box'

8 References

9 Acknowledgments

Thanks to Gatsby, Inc. for funding the work to define MDX further.

10 License

Copyright © 2020 Titus Wormer. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.