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Repository files navigation - The former frontend for 2030 Watch

Overview showcases around 60 indicators (measurements) of countries' progress towards the UN 2030 Sustainability Development Goals. Not only the scores of the countries are important but also a host of metadata about how the indicator was put together and calculated and by whom.

Technical Overview

The site uses Jekyll, a static website generator. What that means is you can write HTML and Javascript in a way that is data dependent, but the site becomes static against a certain version of the data. The approach is suited for websites whose data change only intermittantly and not constantly. This is well suited for the 2030 Watch project as data is updated only time to time. For the processes of updating the site data based on the latest edited data (coming from Google Sheets), see the 2030-watch-dataprocessing repository. Note that the site is not suitable for deployment directly on gh-pages due to the use of the multilanguage module (see below).

Bootstrap is used for layout, SCSS for styling. This gets automatically compiled into CSS by Jekyll. D3 and Highcharts are used for the visualizations. JQuery and Markdown are used as required.

Starting development

  • Install Ruby and Jekyll if necessary
  • Install the jekyll-polyglot module. A Gemfile is included in the repo
  • Install dependencies with bundle install
  • Build the site with bundle exec jekyll serve

Data locations

Indicators are provided as JSON files, one per indicator, in the folder _data/datasets/online - this makes them available to Jekyll. A Jekyll-templated Javascript then makes the data available in Javascript (database.js). Reviewing that file shows how to access the data both from Jekyll and in Javascript; data is accessed in the visualizations via pre-processing functions.

The JSON files should never be created directly but instead using the 2030-watch-dataprocessing repository which turns tabular Google Sheets into valid JSON files (and does a certain amount to ensure conformity).

Data on sponsors (organizations that maintain an indicator) is in the folder _data/sponsors. At this time it is recommended when creating a new sponsor to just copy an existing one and change the values. Logos for the sponsors are found in the folder static/img/logos and should be 200 pixels wide. The name of the sponsor in the sponsor JSON needs to match the name of the "sponsor" key in the indicator JSON. If this sponsor does not exist this is OK.

Data on the SDGs can be found in _data/sdgs.json. The "content" properties are currently not used and are therefore also not translated into English.

Translated strings are in config.yml. They can be accessed in templates by adding {{ site.t.NAME_OF_STRING_HERE[site.active_lang] and in Javascript by global_t['NAME_OF_STRING_HERE'][global_lang].

Intro to the visualisations

key files (database.js, indicators.js?, others?) - D3, injection of translations into the javascript - TODO