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Build your own small energy future scenario or make an interactive infographic on Energy, using the renowed Energy Transition Model. Free for use!

Installation Gem:


gem "jquery-etmodel-rails", :git  => "[email protected]:quintel/etplugin"


// require jquery.etmodel

If you want to work on the plugin itself, clone this repository and replace the above with the following command:

gem "jquery-etmodel-rails", :path => "~/path/to/etplugin"

Change files and reload:

etmodel $ bundle install
etmodel $ rails s

For big changes it might be worthwile to copy the file into app/assets/javascripts and then when everything is working, copy it back.

Installation (standalone)

Copy the jquery.etmodel.js file from the vendor/assets/javascripts folder.

ET-Plugin is a jQuery plugin. Make sure you use jQuery 1.6+ and add this plugin to your site:

  <script type<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type<script src="jquery.ajaxqueue.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type<script src="jquery.etmodel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then you can start using user variables on any plain form objects.


You can access our API, through the ApiGateway class.

ApiGateway connects to the etengine gateway and does all the necessary checks.

Basic usage

api = new ApiGateway()
  inputs:  {households_number_of_inhabitants: -1.5}
  queries: ['dashboard_total_costs']
  success: (result) ->
  error: -> alert("error")

Add before/afterLoading callbacks, for example to show a "Loading..." message to the user.

api = new ApiGateway
  beforeLoading: -> console.log('before')
  afterLoading:  -> console.log('after')

The API needs a scenario_id that keeps track of the settings of a user. A scenario is similar to a session, in that it persists over multiple requests and page refreshes.

api = new ApiGateway()
# At this moment there is no scenario_id defined:
api.scenario_id # => null

Every functionality that needs a scenario_id, you have to wrap it inside a ensure_id().done (id) -> function. This is an async request.

api.ensure_id().done (id) ->
  alert(id) # => 32311
  alert(api.scenario_id) # => 32311

You can manually keep track of a users scenario_id, for example in a cookie variable, and then pass it to the ApiGateway constructor as an option:

api = new ApiGateway(scenario_id: 323231)


When a user makes a change, the new values have to be sent to the API.

  inputs: {households_number_of_inhabitants: -1.5}
  success: -> console.log('success')

In the same request we can define queries that should be returned:

  inputs: {households_number_of_inhabitants: -1.5}
  queries: ['dashboard_total_costs']
  success: (data) -> console.log(data.results.dashboard_total_costs)
# => {present: 23, future: 32}

Get slider values (start,min,max)

api.user_values(success: (data) -> console.log(data) )


Tests are written using the mocha testing framework (

Installing mocha:

$ npm install -g mocha

Running tests on console (excl. jquery tests).

$ mocha test/

To run tests in the browser it is easiest to set up an own "server" using pow:

Opening tests and example files with Pow

Easiest is to create symlink inside your etplugin folder to itself.

$ ln -s /path/to/quintel/etplugin public

Check that ls -lh looks like this:

$ ls -lh
lrwxr-xr-x  1 seb  staff    28B Sep  3 15:41 public -> /Users/seb/quintel/etplugin/

Then add your etplugin to Pow:

$ ln -s /path/to/quintel/etplugin/ /path/to/.pow/etplugin

Now open your browser:

To make the integration tests work we need to start up a separate etengine server with the etengine/spec/fixtures/etsource loaded. This etsource fixture makes it easy and fast to reliably test features.

Start etengine rails server

$ cd /path/to/etengine
$ ETSOURCE_DIR=spec/fixtures/etsource rails s

Reload and the tests should now pass.

Error handling


Input field

  <input type='textfield' name='your_name' class='etm_population_growth'/>

Select fields


Radio buttons



You can add the outcome of the ETM to your


<div class=etm_total_co2_emissions></div>




The plugin is able to render charts on all browsers that support the D3.js javascript library. You have to add to your code an HTML element like this:

<div data-etm-chart-type="TYPE" data-etm-chart-series="SERIES"></div>

With TYPE being one of

  • bezier
  • stacked_bar
  • table

The SERIES parameter is a list of the series to be plotted, separated by a comma.

Here is a valid example:

<div data-etm-chart-type="stacked_bar" data-etm-chart-series="total_co2_emissions,co2_emissions_of_imported_electricity,co2_emissions_of_used_electricity"></div>



Please post any issues on our Issue list


etplugin: integrate the etmodel on your own site!






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