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Generate React components and Storybook for Atomic Design.


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atomic-gen is a CLI tool designed to automate the generation of React components and their corresponding Storybook stories. It generates standard files based on the specified component names using customizable templates.


  • Automated React Component Generation: Automatically generates component files and Storybook story files based on specified templates.
  • Flexible Configuration: Easily configure the components to be generated using a YAML file.
  • Customizable Templates: Tailor the generated files to your project’s needs by customizing the default templates.


You can run the atomic-gen command using npx to generate components based on your configuration file.

Example Command

npx atomic-gen --config=sample-config.yaml

generate Command Options

  • --config
    Specifies the path to the YAML configuration file.
    Example: --config=sample-config.yaml

  • --base-dir
    Defines the base directory where the component files will be generated. The default is src/components.
    Example: --base-dir=src/ui-components

  • --force
    Forces the overwrite of existing files. If this option is not specified, existing files will be skipped.

Usage Example

YAML Configuration File

  - Button
  - Input
  - Form
  - Card
  - Header
  - PageTemplate

To generate components based on the above configuration, you would run:

npx atomic-gen --config=components.yaml --base-dir=src/ui-components

This command will generate the specified components in the src/ui-components directory.

Generated File Tree

After running the command, the following file structure will be created:

└── ui-components/
    ├── atoms/
    │   ├── Button/
    │   │   ├── Button.tsx
    │   │   └── Button.stories.tsx
    │   └── Input/
    │       ├── Input.tsx
    │       └── Input.stories.tsx
    ├── molecules/
    │   ├── Form/
    │   │   ├── Form.tsx
    │   │   └── Form.stories.tsx
    │   └── Card/
    │       ├── Card.tsx
    │       └── Card.stories.tsx
    ├── organisms/
    │   └── Header/
    │       ├── Header.tsx
    │       └── Header.stories.tsx
    └── templates/
        └── PageTemplate/
            ├── PageTemplate.tsx
            └── PageTemplate.stories.tsx

Template Customization

atomic-gen supports Mustache-formatted template files. By default, the following templates are applied:

Default Templates

  • component.tsx.mustache

    import React from 'react';
    export const {{componentName}} = () => {
      return (
  • component.stories.ts.mustache

    import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';
    import { {{componentName}} } from './{{componentName}}';
    const meta = {
      title: '{{componentName}}',
      component: {{componentName}},
      parameters: {
        layout: 'centered',
      tags: ['autodocs'],
    } satisfies Meta<typeof {{componentName}}>;
    export default meta;
    type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;
    export const Default: Story = {};

These templates can be customized to fit your project’s specific requirements. You can create your own templates and apply them using the --component-template and --story-template options, allowing you to maintain a consistent code style across your generated components and stories.

Available Template Variables

When generating components using atomic-gen, the following variables are passed to the templates and can be used within them:

  • componentName: The name of the component (e.g., Button, Form).
  • categoryName: The category under which the component is grouped (e.g., atoms, molecules).
  • componentDir: The directory path where the component files will be generated.
  • componentPath: The full path to the generated component file (e.g., src/components/Button/Button.tsx).
  • storyPath: The full path to the generated Storybook story file (e.g., src/components/Button/Button.stories.tsx).
  • meta: An object containing any metadata defined for the component in the YAML configuration file.

Using Metadata in Templates

In addition to the basic usage, atomic-gen now supports the inclusion of metadata for each component. This metadata can be utilized in your templates, allowing for greater flexibility and customization in the generated files.

Configuration Example with Metadata

You can define metadata for your components in the configuration YAML file as shown below:

  - Button:
      - color: "blue"
      - size: "large"
  - Input

  - Form:
      - method: "POST"
      - action: "/submit"
  - Card

In this configuration:

  • The Button component has two metadata entries: color with the value blue and size with the value large.
  • The Input component has no metadata.
  • The Form component has two metadata entries: method with the value POST and action with the value /submit.
  • The Card component has no metadata.

Accessing Metadata in Templates

Within your Mustache templates, you can access the metadata using the meta key. For example, if you are generating a React component, your template might look like this:

import React from 'react'; 
export const {{componentName}} = () => { 
  return ( 
    <div className="{{meta.color}} {{meta.size}}"> 
      {{componentName}} component. 

If you use the configuration file example above, the generated component file for Button will include the following content:

import React from 'react'; 
export const Button = () => { 
  return ( 
    <div className="blue large"> 
      Button component. 

Notes on Metadata

  • If a component does not have any metadata, the meta key will be an empty object, and attempting to reference a non-existent metadata entry in the template will result in an empty string.
  • You can use as many metadata fields as you need, and they can be referenced in any part of your template.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.