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Latest Changes

AlbSha edited this page Jul 6, 2021 · 7 revisions

European Food Safety Authority

Latest changes and improvements

version 1.2.9

  • BR10 is no triggered if adding F01 or F02
  • Fixed bug on which terms were not always searchable in current hierarchy
  • Fixed bug that caused the crash while cloning/updating the ICT database (after a catalogue update)
  • Fixed bug with term name field allowing multiple lines in term property
  • Updated all project's libraries with Maven
  • Fixed bug that caused the user to be recognized as catalogue manager if logged in with OpenAPI
  • New "force remove" function for cat. managers (allows to remove a catalogue from db even if in reserve mode)
  • Optimised the printing of the term label (dismissed/non reportable)
  • Fixed bug "can edit" for catalogue managers

version 1.2.8

  • Updated BRs data file
  • Different changes to the Business rules
  • Added option for not restoring last selected term
  • Added fix multiple screens issue
  • Added Reinstall ICT option under tools

--- Bugs fixed and other improvements:

  • Optimisations to the Term properties tab
  • Optimisations to the Options panel
  • Fixed bug causing the BR check twice
  • Fixed pick-list null after update
  • Fixed describe window with Param
  • Fixed BR-engine not turned on (in some cases(
  • Fixed term's attribute null when adding implicit facets in Param

version 1.2.7

  • This version contains mainly bugs fixed

--- Bugs fixed and other improvements:

  • Fixed bug in which was not possible to add facets to specific facet groups
  • Fixed Catalogue title not shown properly in small screens
  • Fixed business rules warnings not shown properly because of the presence of delimiters
  • Changed TEXT widget to LINK one in order to allow the links in the changelog
  • New folder organisation for resources, tests and licenses
  • New source code structure following Maven standard

version 1.2.6

  • Recompiled using Maven technology
  • New progress bar while downloading ICT
  • Added new "Account" drop-down button on Main menu
  • Added ability to login using the token provided by the OpenAPI portal
  • Added ability to log out with DCF/OpenAPI
  • Added function for auto importing terms from external files (beta tester or cat manager)
  • New algorithm for checking the parent hierarchy when using the auto import terms function
  • Added ability to capture code errors when using the auto import terms function
  • Added Windows 10 compatibility (internal users)
  • BR 11 now doesn't print the warning message if adding a facet which is more specific than the already existing implicit one
  • Added warning messages for OpenAPI users (calls per minute/week)
  • Different optimisations and consistency improvements to the UI
  • Performance improvements on applying the BRs in the Describe window
  • Optimisations of the export process while installing the ICT
  • ICT installation procedure redesigned
  • Redesigned main menu
  • Redesigned term information panel
  • Added back/next term action (only beta testers)
  • UI changes to the group components
  • Added facet group id in facet hierarchy
  • Updated jre to Java SE 8u221
  • Redesigned UI for Catalogue label, Filters and New update ToolTip
  • UI locked during first loading operations (it prevent unexpected closure)
  • Business Rules now are shared between CB and ICT
  • New BR when reconstitution process is added to concentrated or powder terms
  • The term menu when selected from search result now appear automatically if term not present in current hierarchy
  • Added ability to see only the term info, without expanding it in the tree, by right clicking on the search results (useful for huge catalogues like PARAM)
  • Redesigned Search preferences window
  • New help icon when catalogues updates are available
  • Added ability to show tooltip when hovering mouse on help icon

--- Bugs fixed and other improvements:

  • Fixed bug when ICT files are missing
  • Solved bug which was recreating ICT database even if not using the MTX catalogue
  • Added links to new ICT version (include auto-update checker)
  • All files related to ICT has been moved into the related folder
  • Solved bug which was showing in the search panel terms not in use
  • New global variable for checking if the ICT is correctly installed
  • Business Rules aligned with the ICT
  • Semaphore levels and warning messages aligned with ICT
  • Fixed "Disconnected" message not appearing when the logout is performed
  • ICT database automatically updated when new version of MTX is available
  • Added dump row for 'term' sheet when exporting a catalogue (only for catalogue managers)
  • The ICT required folders now are created only when the user install the ICT
  • Solved UI refresh bug when the user perform a logout from DCF
  • Removed useless classes and files from the package
  • Removed unused jar libraries
  • Solved bug showing update ICT db message even if catalogue != MTX
  • Cat browser memory management improvements (memory leaks like buffer opened but not closed, db connections and URL connections)
  • Removed useless static methods/variables which are not removed from the GC
  • Removed the remember me option from login
  • The login window now wrap the contents, is not anymore resizable and it appears in a fixed position
  • Fixed bug in which the ICT db is not updated if updating from CB
  • Added ability to update ICT db even if updating MTX in offline mode
  • Fixed bug in which the download of the ICT followed by its installation were giving thread errors
  • Merged function for the export catalogue process used from different methods into the ToolsMenu class
  • Fixed bug which was allowing to add terms to facet groups with single cardinality (single and double click)
  • Better throw and catch of the soap errors during the login action (both dcf and openapi)
  • Fixed bug that caused the application to crash when the json, containing pages dimensions, was not properly structured
  • Fixed bug which was returning wrong point dimension when using single screen resulting in main panel appearing outside of the user view
  • Solved bug which was showing not in use terms into the search results even if the not in use check was enabled
  • Fixed bug which was truncated information on sas by adding a first row with length 4000 when exporting a catalogue
  • Fixed the "disconnect" message which was not appearing in the shell when performed logout and other optimisations to the logout process
  • Fixed the bug with the reserve and un-reserve function for catalogue managers
  • Warning colours for semaphore and text are now aligned between CB and ICT
  • Added BR 21 (Wrong structured code)
  • Optimisations to forms, SWT widgets and reading writing data to file
  • Optimisations to the Changelog class
  • Fixed bug related with progress bar not correctly showing the messages + other optimisation and fixes to the layout
  • Fixed BR 12 which was printing warning even if multiple terms present in f27
  • Optimisations to the search bar
  • Optimisations to the tree view by disabling the redraw at each expand/collapse action
  • Fixed bug for Cat managers which were receiving the upload to DCF successful message even if was not written
  • Fixed bug raised when multiple terms are selected in describe window + improved performances when redrawing the tree after adding the terms
  • Fixed bug when importing cat in xml (related with poi jar not update to latest v.4.0.0 containing a special function)
  • Added ability to check if the catalogue to import present errors or not
  • Optimisation on importing ecf catalogues
  • Optimisation on importing excel catalogues
  • Fixed bug when new update available and user click on file before 10 sec
  • Removed all useless database result sets and connection closures from CB (are called automatically)
  • Fixed statements which were returning value before connection was closed
  • Fixed Ingredient BR in order to not show warning when flavour ingredient is added to terms which contains Flavoured as name
  • Optimisations to the describe and recently describe term pages (removed static instances, forced user to use only a single describe window, disabled options on right click term in tree for describe and recently if describe window is open)
  • Optimisations to the tab "term naming and definition" in which some widgets were cut when using low resolution display (now is adaptable)
  • Optimisations to how the main menu is refreshed after some actions (i.e. install ICT)
  • Converted all codeGenerator class and functions to not static
  • Fixed bug which was causing the crash of the app if the catalogue tool tip was shown for new update and the user instead close the current catalogue or perform a logout
  • Converted statements to prepared statements
  • Small improvements on how the main shell is shown/disposed removing useless checks
  • Optimised the number of calls done while restoring and initialising the windows size
  • Fixed main panel window not showing title bar when json file not present (due to its dimension values equal to null)
  • Fixed list of attributes not scrollable in search preferences window
  • Fixed openapi login window which was not refreshing the main ui after first login
  • Fixed openapi login window which was calling useless classes when closing the window
  • Modified BR for multiple source commodities, now the warning will not appear if a specification of the already present implicit facet is added explicitly
  • Term filter group had been modified with 3 specific composites and justified along the horizontal space
  • Removed punctuations restrictions (e.g. -,_) from cleaning text algorithm in the search field
  • Removed tasks for showing new update tooltip, now it is always visible with an hover mouse on help icon

version 1.2.5

  • New fixed minimum size for the search panel in the main page
  • Added dynamic focus between the tree section and the search results, just move the mouse on the specific section and scroll
  • Added forced focus on the search field so to don't loose it when moving the mouse through the various sections
  • Added the auto-selection ability with a single click (or ctrl+a) for the text fields present under the term definition panel and the search field
  • Added Interpreting and checking tool functions under the tools drop down item in the main menu:
    • Download and Install ICT: automatically download, install and setup the Interpreting and checking tool
    • Update ICT db: extract the MTX catalogue and manage it in a custom way for the ICT. The result is a lighter (because it cuts off useless data) and update excel file (because it use the catalogue used by the Catalogue browser) in compare with the previous version.
    • Launch ICT: launch the Interpreting and checking tool directly from the Catalogue browser without needed to open it from the specific installation path
  • Added the ability to directly open the descriptive window for a specific term in the tree panel by simply double clicking on it
  • Double click on the facet group for directly adding a facet (from the describe window)
  • Modified some behaviors following the common standard (such as, "x" to close the window and "ok" to continue the operation)
  • Ability to remove parent terms if adding facet terms which are child of them (when describing a term).
  • Solved UI inconsistency:
    • New reorganized descriptive window
      • New composite for the buttons
      • Removed useless code and the close button
    • New background color
    • Used a standard window information for all the voices under the about main menu drop down list.
  • New "View EFSA browser release notes" voice under the about main menu. It is useful to know everytime what is new with the latest version
  • Auto update the version number of the release notes based on the configuration file
  • Auto update the flag file on which is made the control for showing or not the release notes when a new update is performed
  • New scrollable window for the release notes so to prevent to don't see parts of the notes when the list of changes is long (or in presence of small screens)
  • Auto update the UI when the ICT process installation is done so the user don't need to restart the cat. browser
  • Fixed the recreation of a parent term if adding a facet inside another group of facet (descriptive window)
  • Fixed a bug which causes the program to crash if a user tries to close it before the catalogue was completely loaded
  • Fixed a bug which was permitting to continue the export operation (from main menu) even if the close button was pressed
  • Removed different bugs and warnings from the source code.

version 1.2.4

  • New release notes window when an update occurs
  • Ability to surf the main page even if other pages are opened (useful especially from the descriptive window). Note that in some particular windows the user is not able to surf the main one.
  • New back and forward buttons (removed)
  • New goto voice from the term information panel (removed)

